Blackberry Desktop Manager with 2 BB Storm users?

My husband just got his Blackberry Storm, I've  had mine since March.  We tried to run the install disc for the drivers, but they won't install because a newer version exists (mine) and the newer drivers won't recognize his phone when we plug it into the USB port on the PC.  We tried to install the Desktop Manager software that came with his phone, but again, it won't install because my newer version is already on the PC, but again the Desktop Manager will not recognize his phone when it is plugged in.  Any ideas on how we can get past this?


1.  Do I need to uninstall the software, install the version that came with his phone and then upgrade everything so my phone will still work?

2.  Can a single instance of desktop manager support two different devices?   We use a common install instance of MS Outlook with different email accounts.

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1 Reply
Contributor - Level 1

A single desktop manager can do 2 devices, you just create 2 different profiles. I would recommend uninstalling all BB drivers and desktop manager and getting the latest/most up to date version from blackberry's download's page.



If you are having problems with your computer recognizing his phone then I would recommend the older usb drivers, v4.5.  

