Deregister Blackberry from Verizon

Hello, i live in Zambia and I have a big problem... I recently purchased a Blackberry 9930 Verizon branded from Amazon. The phone works abit ok as it is unlocked to my local network however I cannot get internet connection from my service provider and its written on the top saying Activation Required, i suspect it is still registered to the Verizon Wireless network  despite it being unlocked and cannot be registered to my local network without being de-registered from Verizon first.

Could anyone offer me some assistance on how I would go about getting Verizon to de-register these phones on their network so that I can enjoy everything about my Blackberry on my own local network?

Any assistance or feedback would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!

1 Reply
Master - Level 1

It's most likely not registered to a Verizon account.  However, if it truly is, you cannot get Verizon to "de-register it".  The original owner would need to do that.

More likely the problem is that your service provider in Zambia does not support that device natively (since it was not designed for their network) and thus they do not have the proper Service Books for that device.

Most things on a BlackBerry (particularly data features) are controlled by Service Books. Without the proper Service Books, you will not get access to those data features such as email and internet.

The proper Service Books are typically pushed to the device from the service provider once you have the proper BLACKBERRY Data Plan.  A generic internet data plan will not work.

Typically, for a non natively supported device, you would need to MANUALLY load the Service Books.  You would get the Service Books either on the internet somewhere (and they probably are not available for your service provider) or you would carry them over from a previous BlackBerry that you might have had.

Otherwise, you need to get a device that is natively supported such as possibly the 9900.

Check out the CrackBerry forums for more details on loading the Service Books if you can find those Service Books.
