
I ahve not been able to get e-mail down loaded (or sent from the phone) for at least a day on my (yes, it is old) blackberry.  Text comes through fine.  Have reset password, done the on off battery in battery out dance.  Nothing seems to work - and then I cannot find a Customer Service link on here - grrr.  If ya'll can't help me out I will drive the 25 miles into the local store but I know someone here has the answer.  Thanks for your help and for listening to me vent :smileytongue:I do not want to have to replace this phone until the Jeep is paid off in January.!!

1 Reply
VZ Employee Emeritus

co_pony, I know how this can be an issue and would like to help you get this resolved. There are a few reasons why you are not able to send or receive emails.  For example; your setting to send email to handheld may not be turned on,  your folder redirection is not turned on for your   inbox., or your incoming email messages are blocked by filter. I have listed steps to check these few settings. 


How to turn option on to send email to Handheld is not turned on.

  1. Click Messages on the Home screen of the BlackBerry smartphone.
  2. Press the Menu key and click Options > Email Settings.
  3. Highlight Send Email To Handheld and change the setting from No to Yes.
  4. Press the Menu key and click Save.


How to turn on your folder inbox redirection 

  1. Click Messages on the Home screen of the BlackBerry smartphone.
  2. Press the Menu key and click Options > Email Settings.
  3. Make sure that Message Service is set to Desktop.
  4. Press the Menu key and click Folder Redirection.
  5. Expand Mailbox - <username>.
  6. Verify that the Inbox option is selected or colored in.



Directions to make sure the Incoming email messages are not blocked by filters.


  1. Change the default filter back to Yes by performing the following steps:-
  2. -On the Home screen of the BlackBerry smartphone, click the Messages icon.
  3. Open the menu and click Options > Email Filters.
  4. Verify that the If no filters apply, send email to handheld option is set to Yes.Wait 45 minutes for the changes to take effect.
