BB 9650 updated to OS 6 Bundle 3084 unable to activate email
Enthusiast - Level 1

I recently upgraded my BB 9650 to OS 6 Bundle 3084. Once the installation was complete, I followed the instructions to re-setup my email accounts through the Email Account Activation.  I would type in my passwords and hit the "Verify" button and get the message "Sorry, unable to continue your session. Please log in again." I have used this device to read my emails daily from 3 accounts for nearly 2 years and now after this upgrade I can't access any.  I took the device to a Verison store and was instructed to download the bundle again, which I did. I get the same message.  From my device I went to, communicate, email. In trying to reactivate my email accounts I get a message "A communication failure has occurred. The server may be busy, please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your service provider."  I have been without email on my BB 9650 for 4 days, I need help to reactive my emails.

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17 Replies

Hmmm I followed those steps after reading your post and everything is working great on my phone now. I would maybe try pulling your battery and trying again? I hope yours works again soon! Thanks for the help, even though it sadly didn't help you Smiley Sad.

Enthusiast - Level 1

This just happened to me on my 9330 6.0 bundle 3084... same thing...  and this is very frustrating ... please help!


I installed the 3084 bundle 2 days ago and same issue... unable to activate my internet e-mail (Gmail) . Thinking it would be better to just revert to the previous OS, I selected "Downgrade" from the Options>Software update menu... HUGE MISTAKE!!!! Upon installing the downgrade to previous software, it crashed my phone and destroyed the phone's operating system. I brought it to the Verizon Wireless store near me, only to be told that my phone was out of warranty (> 1 yr old) and they couldn't do anything to help. They gave me Blackberry's Tech Support # and I called but it was useless, they will just send you back to call Verizon tech support.

Lesson phone operated perfectly for 18 months before downloading this "upgrade"...I would recommend you call Verizon tech support. The retail location was not helpful at all; the tech support center (1-800-922-0204) was able to get me an upgrade to the iPhone4s.. I'm done with Blackberry after this fiasco.

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I'm not encouraged by hearing this   Smiley Sad  I'm currently using v 6.0 bundle 2333 on my bold 9650, and the warranty just ran out 2 weeks ago - I'm now past one year.  I also rely heavily on the email - I have 6 accounts set up and that's the majority of my activity on the phone, so if the update causes a problem, I'm not going to risk it.

I haven't been notified of an OS update - what is new or better that would make me want to change from an OS that is working just fine, thank you?

and   - can you go to crackberry or and download the previous OS and reinstall that? 

Enthusiast - Level 3

Did mine today without any problems. I have  always used the Desktop Manager this keeps me connected 100% as opposed to a wireless.

Enthusiast - Level 1


I followed your instructions regarding going to, communicate, email and it worked! My email has been reactivated! Hallelujah!!


Newbie worked for me too. what a pain to upgrade. it took all day

Enthusiast - Level 1

thank you illinoisfarmer!  worked for me also...where was I supposed to find this out?  never had to do it before... It seemed to think I got a new phone, when I just got an update...


Contributor - Level 3

Here are the steps I recommend following:

After you have downloaded the OS from Verizon, the fast OS install would be:

1. Back up with DM

2. Back up 3rd party apps with BBAK

3. Using BBSAK, install OS

4. Restore 3rd party apps using BBSAK Install CODs

5. Restore settings using DM

Several reboots will occur in 1. thru 5. above...let them finish...don't worry about any system messages until after 5.


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SoccerRef wrote:

Here are the steps I recommend following:

After you have downloaded the OS from Verizon, the fast OS install would be:

1. Back up with DM

2. Back up 3rd party apps with BBAK

3. Using BBSAK, install OS

4. Restore 3rd party apps using BBSAK Install CODs

5. Restore settings using DM

Several reboots will occur in 1. thru 5. above...let them finish...don't worry about any system messages until after 5.


It's been a 2 day process for me... my own fault, for not listening to SoccerRef initially!  And not having the time to sit down and "git 'er (re)done"  when the first upgrade attempt left me with no email settings.  I had the email coming to the phone but I couldn't edit or add new email addresses . . .   here's what I went through, in the hopes that it helps someone else avoid the mess...

I backed up using Desktop Manager and BBSAK (Swiss Army Knife).  Then, instead of following SoccerRef's advice, I used DM to download and install the update.  It all seemed to go well, after restoring with DM and BBSAK, things "seemed" to be OK - even email was coming in.  BUT, when I went to check the settings for email, (Setup >> email accounts) nothing happened - there was no way to add or edit existing emails). 

So, I downloaded and installed(locally on my laptop) the OS from, THEN used BBSAK to load the OS.  The process was faster than via DM, and when all was said and done, I could go in to Setup >> Email settings, and actually edit my settings or add new emails.  And everything else seems to work as well.

My advice to anyone wanting to upgrade to the bundle 3084 - is to download the OS and install it ( ),  and follow the steps outlined by SoccerRef.

The only puzzle I have left is a Facebook notification icon I can't seem to get rid of - I've checked and I have no messages, notifications, or updates to check, but I still have 1 new facebook icon showing in my message bar.  but tha's for another thread - the email issue is fixed!!  Smiley Happy

Enthusiast - Level 2

illinoisfarmer, you're on the right track.

I, too, rec'd the error message like you did when visiting However, I then refreshed the page, and the expected email reset page appeared.  I was able to enter valid passwords and verify for each email account, and then I was shown a page stating that my "new" Blackberry device was set up for email, and my Internet email accounts were transferred successfully from my "old" device to my "new" device.  My quotes...

So, apparently this upgrade fools Blackberry into thinking you've obtained a new device, and then forces you to transfer email accounts from your "old" (i.e. your BB w/ the old OS) to the "new" device (i.e. your BB w/ the upgraded OS).  With illinoisfarmer's suggestion, I'm now working now.

This is just ridiculous.  If BB / VZW can't control the upgrade process any better than this, they shouldn't be issuing updates directly to end-users.

Enthusiast - Level 2

So, the last piece of my puzzle:  I discovered I was once again not receiving email on my Bold after my device had automatically turned off for the night and back on the next morning.  However, this time I was able to run through the email password verification directly on my device (as opposed to thru the browser /, and it has stayed active ever since.  Now, wasn't that easy?

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I, too, had to go through and set up my passwords for each email account, as if it was a new device.  But at least I could do that...after the first upgrade attempt, I couldn't.  but I was getting emails, the old accounts were still there.  I had just lost the capability to edit or add new accounts.

Everything seems to be working fine now, and a Facebook notification from Feb. 3 popped up on the evening of the 4th, once I looked at it, the icon went away.  So that little dilemma is resolved as well.  Smiley Happy  Now, what is new and different in that makes it worth going through all the backup, restore, and re-initialize all my apps??  Or was it just an exercise to get me re-familiarized with all the menus and setup options on my Bold? 

Enthusiast - Level 2

I'm taking it as Blackberry's way of telling me I'll need to figure out whether I'm going Droid or iPhone next time I shop for a phone. 

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ejhonda wrote:

I'm taking it as Blackberry's way of telling me I'll need to figure out whether I'm going Droid or iPhone next time I shop for a phone. 

A couple of good friends went "Droid " on me, once I finally went to a BlackBerry (I was content with my Voyager for a long time!!).  We'll see what's out there come September when my next upgrade rolls around....

Enthusiast - Level 1

I used the website you provided and ran into the communication error you mentioned.  However, when I received the communication error I hit the BB button and "refresh".  when I did this it came up with the screen to add the password for my email account (I have two email accounts on my BB).  After entering my pw for my first email account, I clicked on validate and got the communication error message.  I used the refresh process again and found that the BB validated my email account.  I entered the password for my second account and had to use the refresh option after I received the communication error message again.  In the end, I was able to get my email accounts activated and transferred to my blackberry again.  Give the refresh button option a try to see if it works for you too.  Good luck.

Enthusiast - Level 1

ray11, I can't thank you enough for suggesting this solution. I did everything exactly as you recommended and it solved the problem perfectly. I was totally at a loss at getting my e-mail setup resolved, but that refresh button did the trick. (However, I will never feel confident in accepting VW's invitation to upgrade my 9650's software again!) You're awesome for sharing that with the board!!