BB Bold 9930 Locked up. Now won't transfer contact list to bluetooth in car.

Last night my BB Bold 9930 locked up while in the middle of a call while using the hands free in my car (2012 VW Jetta).  I had to reboot the phone, and now when it links up with the bluetooth in my car, I don't get the contact list - only the phone numbers.  When I try to manually transfer the contact list it says "Transfer Interupted.  0 of 154 contacts transferred".  Without a contact list, the hands free in my car is virtually useless to me.

Anyone had this issue?


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  • Bold

3 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

Based on my experience with Ford SYNC, assuming most newer vehicles are all similar in some way, delete the Bluetooth profile in both your car and on your BlackBerry. Attempt to pair your device again, and then transfer your contacts again. You may want to restart your phone just to be sure the profile was successfully removed from the handheld.


I have repeatedly cleared both the phone and the car. Each time I attempt the contacts transfer it says 'Transfer Interrupted'. I'm pretty confident that it is an issue with the phone and not the car, as my wife's phone works in both her car and mine (both are 2012 VW Jettas) and mine now works in neither.

Is there any diagnostics I can do to determine the cause of the transfer interrupt? The phone has worked fine with my car until the lockup the other day.



Enthusiast - Level 3

I still believe this is a Bluetooth profile issue! In your Bluetooth setting on your phone, ensure you have no saved devices listed. Please be sure to verify the Bluetooth profile is also deleted from the VW's hard drive. Then make sure both devices are in discovery mode. Try to pair them again. If that doesn't work, borrow a phone from a friend or visit a Vzw store to see if they will allow you to try one of their devices to see if it will sync up. Now the goal is to try a device that has not been synced prior. Let me know if this works.