BB Q10

Any idea when the release date of BB Q10?

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5 Replies
Master - Level 3

I know your thread is a month old, but it was announced at BlackBerry Live today that it will be early June.


I heard it is June 6th. The preorder option should be available to us before that. I was in a store today and they told me if we preorder it will arrive to our homes 2 to 3 days BEFORE they are available in-store. So I hope that is accurate.


I bought a BBQ10, but wish I had NOT!!  Very clunky touchscreen, does not have the ability to delete e-mail from the Q10, but save it on the desktop.  Cannot figure out how to configure sounds for silent-in-holster, or quiet-at-night, etc., etc.

Looks like RIM rushed it to the market to get the 4Lte out, but it is junk!!!  We also have a Samsung S4, and an iPhone 4S in the family, and both are FAR superior in design and functionality to the BB Q10.  This will definitely be our last BB product.  R.I.P. RIM...

Enthusiast - Level 2

I was a huge qwerty keyboard user of the old Bold series phones. but i bought a z10, love it except the battery issue....anyways to answer your question to delete an email hit the delete key on the keyboard. or touch the email (hold down on it) and then select the trash icon.

I agree the sounds are disheartning however set it to slient mode when going to bed or set it to silent all the time.

BTW.....BlackBerry (it's not RIM anymore, a true BlackBerry user would know that!) didnt rush anything as far as the 4lte that is completely verizon using 4lte. Why does the radio frequency have to be BlackBerry's fault wouldnt that be Verizon's fault for picking that technology? If you hate the phone so bad, i will be glad to take it from you.

Enthusiast - Level 2

from the lock screen swipe down from the top.  this brings up the alarm screen.  That will silence everything at night.  you can also swipe down from the clock and select settings.  this gives you the option to have phone calls only turned on at night time.  meaning you will receive a phone call, but all other notifications will be silenced.

With 10.2.1 update they are restoring the option to delete the e-mail from just the hub or from everywhere.