BB Tour won't let me make or receive calls/texts, but I can use BBM. Any ideas as to why?

This afternoon my BB Tour suddenly stopped letting me make or receive phone calls, voicemails, emails, and texts. I can however, still receive BBM's and send BBM's. Everytime I try to make a call, all I get is dead air in return. My phone has also been displaying weird things in the upper right corner where the service bars should be. First it displayed "SOS" in bright red text, meaning I could only make 911 calls. Now it says "OFF" in white text. I've tried taking the battery out and replacing it, turning off/on phone. I even went to the Verizon store near my house. The guy there said he did some updates on my phone and it should work now. Well, it's not. Weird thing is, it will work when I'm not at my house or within a half mile radius of my house. It worked perfectly at the Verizon store, but once I get near my street, it drops my calls, won't let me send texts, make calls, etc. At first I thought it was a service issue, but no one else seems to be having this issue today. Normally my phone works great at home, now it won't work at all, except to send BBM's.


Any ideas????

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3 Replies
Champion - Level 1


You probably need to update your Preferred Roaming List (PRL).  You will need to probably get to somewhere you have a good 1XEV in caps signal.  Then dial *228 and select option 2.  See if that helps you.  You can also try resending your service books.


Contributor - Level 2

Now would it be not smart to assume that the associate at the verizon store would not have done the PRL update along with the other "updates"?  I agree this the first step to attempt to solve the issue but the customer assistance competency crossed my mind.


Wow I have EXACTLY the same problem!! The people at the verizon store gave me a brandnew BB because it was within 30 days but it still did not fix problem. I went in again today and they told me service was down in my town and it only affects certain random numbers.

Did the *228 thing help?