Enthusiast - Level 3

I am thinking about getting a BlackBerry Storm 2. I am going back and forth between wanting the BBS2 and wanting a HTC Incredible. I was hoping someone could tell me about the picture quality on the BBS2?  Does the phone take pretty good quality pictures?  Right now I have a env Touch and the pictures are absolutely horrible. I would really like a phone that takes decent pictures. I have a great camera so I'm not looking to replace my camera but I'd like to be able to take pictures with my phone anytime I want to and know I'm going to get a decent quality picture. Any help would be greatly appreciated.





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10 Replies

If you want a Storm 2, be prepared..It's not going to be able to run the new BlackBerry 6 OS...unless the rumors of a beefed up Storm 2 with 512MB of RAM are true..


The Incredible is a fantastic phone...only drawback I can see is the battery life..



Enthusiast - Level 3

I am really considering getting both phones and trying them out to decide which one I really want. My daughter is wanting another phone anyway so she can get the one I don't like as well. I hate having to pick one over the ohter because I just am not sure which one I will like the best. I know nothing about the blackberry operating system (have never had a smart phone) so when you say it won't run the blackberry operating system 6 I'm not really sure what that means. Can you explain to me why that's bad like what the new operating system will offer over the old one?  Sorry I know that sounds like a dumb question but I honestly know very little about the smart phones just because I've never had one. My smartest phone I've had is my current LG enV touch and I'm sure it can do a ton of things I've not bothered to leanr. However with my new smart phone (whichever one I choose) I really want to learn all it's features and take advantage of them. I have an ipod touch and must admit I love all the apps and things it can do which is what made me want a smart phone to begin with.


Thanks in advance for the help,



Best thing I can tell you to do is go to and see the videos for Blackberry 6 or better yet, You tube.  The differences between OS 5 and BlackBerry 6 for the phones are numerous.  But like I said, it appears that VZW decided to end testing BB 6 on the Storm 2.  If you see the Research In Motion Videos for BB 6, it shows touchscreen capability..but no touch screen capability offered by Verizon.....unless you want to buy a new phone....and the phone that now offers touchscreen is less than a year old in service life.


Makes me very upset at Verizon.  Seems all they care about is phone sales..and their customers be damned..

Enthusiast - Level 3

Don't do it. My wife and I have had S2's for almost a year and we are less than thrilled. My wife has hers replaced twice for keyboard issues. I have had mine replaced for a bad speaker. Maybe if I could upgrade to OS6 it would help but now with the news that no OS6 for S2's then I am not going to stay with the S2 and it is up in the air if I will even stay with VZW. 

Contributor - Level 3

In VZW's defense it was not their decision to not run OS6 on our S2's.  The blame here goes to RIM and their not being able to see into the future enough to have beefed up the memory and processor to today's standards. If it is true that VZW tested OS6 on the S2 and then discontinued it they had a good reason. I would guess the device did so poorly that it would not be a wise business decision to release junk.


On the other side of the coin, VZW could have insisted that RIM  include at least 512MB of RAM instead of the 256.  After seeing S1 units fail because of low memory due to OS5 being huge and then adding applications. If the S2 refresh rumor is true it should be offered to S2 owners at a very good price with no contract extension required as an act of good faith. Lets face it, the unit if it does exist will probably be a refurb anyway and they will take the trades add memory and resell in the same manner.  Personally, I will not go for the refresh. I'm waiting to see the S3 before I make any decisions on leaving the BlackBerry platform that I am very comfortable with.


So I hold both companies at fault not putting the customer first.




Agreed..both should be held responsible...BUT.....


VZW has "tested" OS upgrades before and released them buggy as all get out...  The one that messed up the Tour comes to mind...


How come OS 5 software with a surepress screen works without pressing down?  If that's the real reason that the OS 6 is being held back from the S2, then RIM needs to step it up.


It all just smacks of a bait and switch..Look at the new OS 6....awww...sorry...98% of you users won't be able to run it..guess you'll need to buy new phones....



Contributor - Level 3

newshutr wrote:

Look at the new OS 6....awww...sorry...98% of you users won't be able to run it..guess you'll need to buy new phones....



Apparently that is what they want.  It's all about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$

Enthusiast - Level 3

I am very close to being an Apple kind of guy. 


I have a Storm 2.  While it is light years ahead of the Storm 1, to me, it is an okay phone at best.  The fact that it wont support OS 6 was a disappointment.  To me its kinda like going to Best Buy and buying a brand new PC but being told it cant handle Windows 7.  However, if your not a tech savvy person that may not make a difference to you.  If you do a lot of texting or plan on using the phone for email you should know that the Storm 2 uses what is known as Sure press which requires you to physically push the screen to type.  


The camera is a decent 3.2 mega pixel camera.  I have often found myself using it instead of carrying around my actual camera.  The HTC Incredible has an 8 mega pixel camera and I have heard takes amazing pictures and video.  As far as apps go, Blackberry phones don't have nearly as many apps as you would find for an iphone or a droid.  One other thing to note is that all smart phones require a $29.99 a month data plan compared to the $9.99 a month required for messaging phones like the enV touch.


I would strongly recommend going to your local VZW store and play around with the Storm and making sure you are comfortable with  its touch screen before deciding to purchase. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

Motorola Droid X... enough said!