Bad voice quality

I am currently experiencing bad sound quality. I have NO problem hearing people. But when I'm on the phone with people I sound like I'm underwater, far away from my phone, or muffled. Is there any fix or anything I can do? My phone does not have any liquid damage, and it is under warranty. >.<  angry bold 9650 user

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2 Replies
Verizon Employee

Shynexo wrote:

I am currently experiencing bad sound quality. I have NO problem hearing people. But when I'm on the phone with people I sound like I'm underwater, far away from my phone, or muffled. Is there any fix or anything I can do? My phone does not have any liquid damage, and it is under warranty. >.<  angry bold 9650 user

Hi Shynexo,


I understand your frustration regarding the sound quality on your device. Since you mentioned that you have no problems hearing anyone on the line, I assume that your earpiece is fine. However, since you mentioned that callers tell you that you sound muffled or far away from the phone, the focus seems to be on the microphone. I would like to ask if you have a cover (maybe a skin-it cover, or a screen protector) on your device, that may be blocking the microphone? I had the same issue and then realized that the cover I had on the phone was slightly covering the microphone. 


I would also like to ask you some questions, in case the issue above is not the root cause. 


-Does this happen on every call?

-If not on every call, is it happening in a specific location (Do you notice a pattern?)

-How recent did it start?

-Are there any calls where is does NOT happen?


Please let us know any additional information, if possible. 


Thank you and have a great day!


I COMPLETELY relate... and no, I am not covering the microphone- nor is my case covering the microphone. It occurrs to me that it is the quality (lack there of) of the microphone and NOT the user. I will not purchase another BB in the future. And considering the poor quality of customer service, after 10 years, I am seriously considering switching companies.