Blackberry 8330

I can't access my email or anything related to the internet on my Blackberry.  I get a message when I go to email setup wizard that says:  " Unable to connect to the selected server, please try again later.  If the problem persists, please contact your service provider."   I purchased this phone two years ago under Alltel.   My phone works, so I know there is connection somehow.  I have taken the battery out to reset it and it still does not come back.  Any solutions?

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7 Replies
Champion - Level 1


Go to Options>Advanced Options>Host Routing Table.  Press the Menu key and select Register Now.  See if things clear up for you.



No, this didn't work either.  I still cannot connect to the internet via my Blackberry.  I have a 1XEV at the top right corner of my blackberry.  Could it have anything to do with Verizon or Alltel towers?   It had been working all along at this location until yesterday. None of my applications that require internet connectivity on this phone seem to work.

Champion - Level 1


Now try to resend your service books.  Go to Email Settings, Press the menu key and service books and resend service books.



It doesn't have an option to resend service books...only view.

Champion - Level 1


Just to make sure, I will make sure you have followed the directions to get your data back up and running:

1. On your Applications screen, select Options>Advanced Options>Host Routing Table.

2. Press the Menu Key (left of the trackball) and select Register Now.

3.Go back to the Applications screen again. 

4. Find Email Settings and select it. (This is not the Email Settings under the Options).

5. Press the Menu key.

6. Select Service Books.

7. Select Send Service Books.

After doing all of the above, pull the battery out and then put it back, allowing for a hard reset.  See if you are back up and running.  NOTE:  To perform all of the tasks above, you need to have a good signal.  It needs to be 1XEV, not 1xev in lowercase letters.  Anything less and the tasks will not function properly.

If your phone is not sending or receiving email or getting the web after you do the above tasks, then you need to call customer service.  There may be a problem with your account that is interferring with your service.



I have a icon that says Email Setup...but nothing that says email settings.  There is no menu with the email setup ohter than giving options to move, hide, show all, add folder.    But, when I go to the service books under options>advanced options, I don't get the option to "send service books" on the menu.


I have checked in the upper right corner of my bb and it is 1XEV  and there seems to be bars showing for signal strength.  I am one of those caught between the change of Alltel and Verizon.  I will check with Verizon or try to find an Alltel location.  I am currently not in my home state until later in the year.



I have taken the battery out several times, as it has helped in the past, but this time it doesn't see to want to reset.


Thanks for trying to help me!


Time to file a complaint!

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

If you have a complaint regarding your cellular service and you do not receive satisfactory resolution from the company, you can file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission.  The FCC does not handle contractual disputes or violations of state deceptive advertising laws (file these complaints with state attorneys general).  The FCC forwards electronic and mail complaints to the service provider and directs the company to respond back to the Commission and the consumer within 30 days.

In order to file the complaint, consumers must submit:

·         their contact information,

·         the names of all companies involved in the dispute,

·         the names of company representatives contacted, and

·         the dates of correspondence with the company.

Consumers are also encouraged to maintain documentation of the billing or service problem.

The FCC accepts complaints by mail, telephone, fax, email and its online complaint page.

Federal Communications Commission
Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau
Consumer Complaints
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

PHONE: Toll Free: 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322) voice
TTY: 1-888-TELL- FCC (1-888-835-5322)
FAX: 202-418-0232

Note: Not all FCC complaints result in fines or meaningful actions, but voicing concerns via the federal agency will ensure that disputes and inquiries are recorded and responded to.

State Attorney General Offices: Fraud And Contractual Discrepancies

State attorneys general and consumer protection offices will handle complaints about fraud and contract disputes.  Based on consumer complaints, state attorneys general have filed lawsuits against wireless companies, resulting in refunds to consumers and agreements by some companies to reform certain practices.

Find your Attorney General's Office here.

When filing a complaint with a state attorney general’s office, explain in detail, with documentation, what the problem is, who it is with, what you have done and what you want to be done:

·         Identify the business.  Include the name and current address of the business.  An agency will not be able to help very much without the firm's correct name and current address.

·         Describe the problem.  Describe as completely as you can the problem with the product or service you have purchased.  Were you told something that was untrue?  Describe what you were told and how it was untrue.

·         Explain what you want the business to do.  Specifically state how much money should be refunded or exactly how you want a product fixed or a service performed.

·         Include photocopies.  Always include photocopies of documents relevant to your complaint, including receipts, warranties, both sides of cancelled checks, contracts, etc.  Do not send originals. Only send copies, except upon request of the agency to which you are making your complaint (and if you’re asked to send the original, make sure you keep a copy).

State Public Utility Commission (PUC)

Each state has a government agency, generally called a ‘public utility commission’ or ‘PUC’, that oversees telephone companies. To locate your state’s ‘PUC’ on the web, visit the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners at and find your state on the interactive map or dropdown menu. PUC websites will typically provide contact info and/or online methods of filing a complaint.