Blackberry ESN Problem

I got this blackberry curve back in December and I called Verizon to make sure it had a clear ESN and they told me it was clear. Well, I sold it assuming it still had a clean ESN and to find out, it had a bad one. I never used the phone at all and somehow the phone's ESN said it was broken. The phone was brand new basically. Does anyone know how it could of gotten that way?

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3 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

At the time you called it wasn't reported lost or stolen


After you bought it the orginal owner reported it lost/stolen


Or maybe they did an insurance claim and it hadn't been processed at the time you called


Why did you buy a "brand new" device and not use it for 6 months..hmm


Only thing you can do is try to get in contact with the person you bought it from and have them reach out to whoever's account that phone was on and see whats going on


The reason why I didn't use it is because I ended up getting a different blackberry and gave that one to my mom. When I found out she didn't use it and gave it back, I had no use for it. The ESN apparently says it was considered broken and the person went through the full insurance claim to get a new one and I thought when you do that they ask you to send the "broken" phone back and if not they charge you.

Specialist - Level 1

Yah, sadly that is proptery of the insurance company now, no way to ever use that..


Tough break =(