Blackberry Storm 9530 NBC mobile site can't view videos

I've been having a problem with my Blackberry Storm and NBC's mobile site.  I use both the browser on the storm and the app from NBC to get to their mobile site and get the errors with both.  I can navigate around the site alright, but I start having problems when I try to view video.  I get two errors.


One is as follows:


HTTP Error 400: Bad Request


The server could not understand the page request, or was unable to process it for some reason.  Please try loading a different page.  <OK> <Details>


When I click details I get: "Bad Request"



The other error I get is from NBC is:


HTTP Error 403: Forbidden


You are not authorized to view this page.  Please try loading a different page.  <OK> <Details>


When I click details it says:


Access Denied

You don't have permission to access "" on this server.


Reference #18.37a6743f.1261101373.ac2f2de




I've been having this problem since I got my storm a few months ago.  I've read different posts on a few other blogs saying that it's because I live in northern Minnesota and Verizon uses a Canadian proxy server and NBC blocks Canadian proxy servers from viewing video.  This seems odd to me, since I live in the US.  Not Canada. :smileyhappy:


My current settings are:

Browser: Internet Browser

Browser ID: Blackberry


Any help would be appreciated.





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