Blackberry Storm Uncaught exception


uncaught exception java.lang.illegalargumentexception


This message randomly pops up on my phone at various times.  I hit ok and all seems fine... then a little bit later it pops up again.  Sometimes I hit my SMS and MMS button when I receive a text and it wont open.  I have to do a battery pull.  Sometimes I can get the SMS open but when I highlight a text it won't open.  At that point I have to compose new text and type in that persons name in order for their text to open.  I'm running the OS v5.0.0328 (Platform  Not sure what I need to do.  I haven't recently added anything to my phone.  The only apps that I have loaded on my phone other than what is standard are Twitter, Facebook, Pandora, and the newest BBM.  Most of my apps stay closed when not in use.  I've cleared off my cache's on my web browser.  It seems as though I have to do a battery pull sometimes several times a day.  If anyone has any suggestions please fill me in.  I really don't want to have to go for another phone... this is already my third one and i haven't had it quite a year yet (about 2mths shy).  Thanks in advance :smileyhappy:

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1 Reply
Specialist - Level 1
I have never had that but .328 has problems. I am running .419 , it is an official BB RIM release. It can be found on Crackberry. Be sure to back up and once you have .419 saved on your PC remove the vendor file.