Blackberry Storm screen dying


I have had my Storm 1 since Dec 2008. I have never had problems with it until recently. Sometimes the touchscreen goes and when I try to type "A" it enters "L" and so forth. Now the screen just goes black at times, the buttons still light up. Every time I have to do a battery pull which is getting annoying since I have to do it at least once a day. Any suggestions? Is my LCD screen just going. I am not eligible for an upgrade so I can't get a new phone. 



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2 Replies

I had an issue with my touchscreen also, the top of the screen just stoped responding. Very annoying, made my phone pretty tough to use.


Anyway, I went into the store and they replaced my Storm 1 with another Storm 1, no questions. I didn't have insurance, they just did a complete wipe of the phone to see if that fixed the problem, it didn't. So they gave me a new phone.


Hope they ca  do the same for you. One suggestions, use the desktop manager software to make a backup of the phone before you go in. So you can restore the data later to the new phone (if you get one).


Try this with the phone turned on pull out the battery wait about 15 seconds then reinstall battery. This resets the phone.

Also adjust the settings on your phone

select options, screen/keyboard scroll to bottom of page until you get to Touchscreen

I have the following settings. 

Tap 100

Hover 200

Swipe low (0)

you mat have to try different settings to adjust to your liking. Make sure to save changes then try to type something.

Join online sites like Blackberry OS for tips and answers to questions. I also noticed when  I had my storm in a hard plastic case the screen did not respond as well as it should it was at this time I was experiencing what you are when you press one letter the cursor jumps around the screen. Remove your phone from a hard case if you have one