Blackberry Storm2, Video Camera
Contributor - Level 1

Since i updated, My video camera screen flickers, does anybody else has this problem? I thought Blackberry said the Vdeo Camera would work better! I see you can operate the video camera in mms or normal mode, which is better? Maybe my settings are off.

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Enthusiast - Level 3

I recently updated to and that cured the robotic echo in the ear piece. However, it seems that problem has been transferred to the speakerphone!.... I have not noticed any video camera bugs though. I was not aware of the MMS mode until you mentioned it. Perhaps it makes it easier to send videos over MMS in that mode. I noticed when i tried to send videos to people in the past, they had to be very short or they got to big to send. Especially over MMS. I will have to check that out!