Blackberry Voicemail Password

My wife was issued a previously used Blackberry at her new job.  She is attempting to retrieve a voicemail, but does not know the previous employee's password.


Any ideas what she will need to do would be greatly appreciated.




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2 Replies
Master - Level 1


fronz wrote:

My wife was issued a previously used Blackberry at her new job.  She is attempting to retrieve a voicemail, but does not know the previous employee's password.


Any ideas what she will need to do would be greatly appreciated.





Go here to reset voice mail password-->Reset VM password



If that does not work then contact customer care

Specialist - Level 1


TheGreatOne wrote:


fronz wrote:

My wife was issued a previously used Blackberry at her new job.  She is attempting to retrieve a voicemail, but does not know the previous employee's password.


Any ideas what she will need to do would be greatly appreciated.





Go here to reset voice mail password-->Reset VM password



If that does not work then contact customer care


The link above won't work for wireless.  It appears its for landline. Make sure your wife asks whoever at your company is responsible for managing the company wireless phones first. Your wife most likely will not be authorized to make any changes to her line including resetting the VM password. Only a few people at any organization are authorized to make these changes, unless they have specific instructions noted on the account. It's probably better to ask Customer Care to reset the voice mail itself, not just the password, which will erase any old messages and greetings.