Blackberry out AGAIN

So my blackberry has not been working consistently for Tues through Sat.  I cannot use Data, text, make or recieve calls on a regular basis. I have asked Verizon to compensate me twice. They completely ignored the first request when the entire Verizon Network went down, lets see if they acknowledge the second request.  They tell me to call, not seeming to understand that if my phone isn't working I CAN"T.


I am also irriated that they tell me "it's blackberry not us." I don't care, I pay Verizon not blackberry. I am also irritated that everytime I call or go into the store wiith a problem they try to get me to resign my contract. Are you kidding me? I wish I could cancel my contract NOW and sign with AT&T but I my contract (which was Alltel) does not expire until April 2010 so unfortunately I am stuck with them.


Has anyone else been able to get out of the contract due to lack of service or at least been compensated for lack of service?

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2 Replies
Contributor - Level 3

They will only credit you if the services are done for 24 hours or more and than it will be a prorated credit for the days the service is if you blackberry services aren't working for one day, you can ask for a $1 credit.


I only had problems not receiving emails Wednesday or Thursday (sad I can't remember days of the week!) I ran Quickpull and everything was restored....What is this full Verizon outage you mentioned?


If Verizon determines they don't have service in your area you can cancel without an ETF.


There was a complete Verizon outage on Sunday evening to Monday morning (12/13) in WI and Upper MI (was previously Alltel service area). Now I am told that Blackberry is not working and they are "working" on the problem, however that means I can't use my service for 5  days so that does not make me feel any better.


What constitutes not having service?  How many days do I have to go without being able to use my blackberry before I can cancel without fees?