
Storm or Tour?


which one is better?

I might be getting a new phone and i dont know which one is better.

i have the old version of the storm but idk if the new version is better?

i get annoyed with my touchscreen keyboard but i do like the full screen.. haha


tell me your opition!

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17 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

I like both devices myself.  The Storm II has wifi but if you dont like the touchscreen that much you will have the same problem.  I would wait for the tour 2 to come out myself.  I heard its sometime soon but Im not sure.  If your not sure got to a store somewhere and play with it.  Plus the Storm II has newer software.

Master - Level 1


hautecouture94 wrote:

Storm or Tour?


which one is better?

I might be getting a new phone and i dont know which one is better.

i have the old version of the storm but idk if the new version is better?

i get annoyed with my touchscreen keyboard but i do like the full screen.. haha


tell me your opition!



Hm, don't get the original Storm. I have seen complaints about it. The storm 2 is a much better improvement though. Do you like only touch screen phones? Have you ever had one? If not, it might take some getting used to the touch screen. Typing on it can be tricky and does take some practice.  If it were me, I'd go for the Tour simply because it offers a keyboard and not fully touch screen (not touch screen at all). 


You can go to your local Verizon store. There are some phones on display.Just go to the Storm 2 and Tour. Get a feel for which one you like more.Play around with them. Pick that device.

Champion - Level 1


I agree with TheGreatOne in that you should go to your local Verizon Wireless store and get a feel for the devices.  Personally, I bought the Tour back last August.  I wanted the full size keyboard because I had, at the time, the Pearl.  The larger screen was a plus for me, too.  I personally did not want the touch screen so that ruled out the Storm for me.  A lot of folks have had problems in the beginning with the trackball, although I never had any problems.  One thing you may want to consider is the new Tour (or Bold) whatever they are going to call it, will be released in the "near future" (quoting NMChileman here).  It will feature the trackpad, which is already available on the Curve2 8350.  The trackpad is a much better way to navigate with a Blackberry and will eventually replace the trackball on future devices.  I guess to sum up my reasons for buying the Tour...sturdy device with a solid feel, large amount of memory, and bright, colorful display.  Good luck.


Specialist - Level 1

hautecouture94 wrote:

Storm or Tour?


which one is better?

I might be getting a new phone and i dont know which one is better.

i have the old version of the storm but idk if the new version is better?

i get annoyed with my touchscreen keyboard but i do like the full screen.. haha


tell me your opition!

I have had one exchange on my Storm1  I got in Aug. because of the Mic being defective. Since that, no problems. I did find out many months later what this setting means under Options, Screen / Keyboard, change your setting to Show Key Indicator (ALWAYS). This will show above your finger what key your fat finger is over. That really speeded up my typing and accuracy. I have found out by using my S1 newer ways to make things work better, by trying them. Did you know for example, there is a Memory Cleaner listed under Options, Security Options, Advanced Security Options, Memory Cleaning? You can also push Menu there and it gives you the option to move it to your Home page so you can clear your memory really quick. There is also a Keyboard clear your log. In the Storm you need to be in Portrait mode home page and activate your keyboard. You will have to previously change / activate your right side button to keyboard, then shift it to numbers and over to the right side push these buttons " / " /   it will open a Log File, then you push menu and it will show a Clear Log, push it, then it will ask you to verify the log deletion, push that. On the Phone buttons there is a log button in the top middle of the dial pad, push it, then when your call logs show up, push the red X at the bottom left and one at a time it will clear them. Then go back to Home screen and push INTERNET Globe Icon, then menu and then Options, then Cache Operations. There are several clear buttons to push in there, then push u-turn and it will show clearing memory. Now pull your battery and see how much memory you gain? I assume all know how to go under Options, Memory and scroll to see how much memory you have at any given time.  

 So in summation, when a BB phone is freezing, most likely it is out of memory and that is why it can't perform its function or you have some App installed that is causing interference.  So I would not rule out the Storm 2. Just be sure Mfg date is current because they did have some earlier ones with hardware problems like Bat. to small and bottom keys not working right. The S2 has plenty of memory. On the S2 in the store if the Screen / Keyboard setting is not set the way I have described above, then click options Icon and change it in the store, try it then and you will love the keyboard.

Contributor - Level 3


LCromwell wrote:

hautecouture94 wrote:

Storm or Tour?


which one is better?

I might be getting a new phone and i dont know which one is better.

i have the old version of the storm but idk if the new version is better?

i get annoyed with my touchscreen keyboard but i do like the full screen.. haha


tell me your opition!

I have had one exchange on my Storm1  I got in Aug. because of the Mic being defective. Since that, no problems. I did find out many months later what this setting means under Options, Screen / Keyboard, change your setting to Show Key Indicator (ALWAYS). This will show above your finger what key your fat finger is over. That really speeded up my typing and accuracy. I have found out by using my S1 newer ways to make things work better, by trying them. Did you know for example, there is a Memory Cleaner listed under Options, Security Options, Advanced Security Options, Memory Cleaning? You can also push Menu there and it gives you the option to move it to your Home page so you can clear your memory really quick. There is also a Keyboard clear your log. In the Storm you need to be in Portrait mode home page and activate your keyboard. You will have to previously change / activate your right side button to keyboard, then shift it to numbers and over to the right side push these buttons " / " /   it will open a Log File, then you push menu and it will show a Clear Log, push it, then it will ask you to verify the log deletion, push that. On the Phone buttons there is a log button in the top middle of the dial pad, push it, then when your call logs show up, push the red X at the bottom left and one at a time it will clear them. Then go back to Home screen and push INTERNET Globe Icon, then menu and then Options, then Cache Operations. There are several clear buttons to push in there, then push u-turn and it will show clearing memory. Now pull your battery and see how much memory you gain? I assume all know how to go under Options, Memory and scroll to see how much memory you have at any given time.  

 So in summation, when a BB phone is freezing, most likely it is out of memory and that is why it can't perform its function or you have some App installed that is causing interference.  So I would not rule out the Storm 2. Just be sure Mfg date is current because they did have some earlier ones with hardware problems like Bat. to small and bottom keys not working right. The S2 has plenty of memory. On the S2 in the store if the Screen / Keyboard setting is not set the way I have described above, then click options Icon and change it in the store, try it then and you will love the keyboard

Is the "Show Key Indicator" similar to the keyboard feature on the iPhone?  Also, what OS is required for that feature?  I have an S1 with v5.0.0.328 and I can not find the feature anywhere in "Screen/Keyboard"



Specialist - Level 1

mikedamirault wrote:


Is the "Show Key Indicator" similar to the keyboard feature on the iPhone?  Also, what OS is required for that feature?  I have an S1 with v5.0.0.328 and I can not find the feature anywhere in "Screen/Keyboard"



Mike open Options, scroll down to Screen/Keyboard, then scroll to Key Rate, then right under that is Portrait View Keyboard, it should be set to (Full Keyboard) and then after that you should see Show Key Indicator, set that to (Always). While you are there I have my Right SideConvience Key Opens set to (Virtual Keyboard). maybe all those will make it show for you. Having the right side button set to open and close Keyboard is very helpful at times. you have a Camera Icon on your home page so why would one need it there.

Contributor - Level 3


LCromwell wrote:

mikedamirault wrote:


Is the "Show Key Indicator" similar to the keyboard feature on the iPhone?  Also, what OS is required for that feature?  I have an S1 with v5.0.0.328 and I can not find the feature anywhere in "Screen/Keyboard"



Mike open Options, scroll down to Screen/Keyboard, then scroll to Key Rate, then right under that is Portrait View Keyboard, it should be set to (Full Keyboard) and then after that you should see Show Key Indicator, set that to (Always). While you are there I have my Right SideConvience Key Opens set to (Virtual Keyboard). maybe all those will make it show for you. Having the right side button set to open and close Keyboard is very helpful at times. you have a Camera Icon on your home page so why would one need it there.



I just checked, the option is not there, starting from key tone, here's the options I have...


Key Tone-Off

Key Rate-Normal

Portrait View Keyboard-Full Keyboard

(separator line)

Right Side Convenience Key Opens-Default (Camera)

(and so on)


If I could somehow screencap (I use the S1 as my digital camera, so I don't have a camera), I would post an image of it proving it's not there


I can try to switch the Right Side button to control the OSK (I don't see how that would change anything), but with the way I use my S1 as my digital camera, I like how I can just press the button to pull up my camera instead of having to go through "Media" then to "Photos" just to pull up my camera (I do my share of pix messaging, so it makes sense that I would use my S1 as a camera)


Edit:I just switched the right button from Camera to OSK, I even rebooted it, still not getting the option for Key Indicator


I was also trying to find this on my Storm 1 and was unable to find it.

Specialist - Level 1

bikeguy wrote:

I was also trying to find this on my Storm 1 and was unable to find it.

Go to Options, Screen / Keyboard and scroll down to LED Coverage Indicator, right below, next line down is:

Key Tone:

Key Rate:

Portrait View Keyboard: I have mine set to FULL KEYBOARD

Show Key Indicator: Set to Always, your only other choices are Never, On Touch and Hold or Always

Then comes Rightside Convience Key opens and there is a long list in there. Set to keyboard

Specialist - Level 1

Ok maybe these settings need to be changed as well? Do you under Screen / Keyboard have Menu Menu Style set to Full Menu? Above that in the list I have my Key rate set to FAST (don't know what diff. that would make?) Maybe under Language and Text Input I have :

Input Style: set to Auto Correction

and Show Text Input Options

Keyboard Layout: QWERTY

 As for the Camera click under menu on Home Page SHOW All and find your Camera Icon set it to Home Page, then you do not have to click on media to access Camera. Once the Camera Icon is on your home page untik the show all. I assume you know how to move your Icons anywhere on the home page you want, so if you want the Camera Icon button set to the first line on your home page you can move it there? Then change your Keyboard selection to use the right side button. I have never heard of anyone with a Storm not having the Portrait View Keyboard selection option? Check again and set it to Full Keyboard not SureType or Multitap. Then when you push the menu button a save window should show up.

Contributor - Level 3


LCromwell wrote:

Ok maybe these settings need to be changed as well? Do you under Screen / Keyboard have Menu Menu Style set to Full Menu? Above that in the list I have my Key rate set to FAST (don't know what diff. that would make?) Maybe under Language and Text Input I have :

Input Style: set to Auto Correction

and Show Text Input Options

Keyboard Layout: QWERTY

 As for the Camera click under menu on Home Page SHOW All and find your Camera Icon set it to Home Page, then you do not have to click on media to access Camera. Once the Camera Icon is on your home page untik the show all. I assume you know how to move your Icons anywhere on the home page you want, so if you want the Camera Icon button set to the first line on your home page you can move it there? Then change your Keyboard selection to use the right side button. I have never heard of anyone with a Storm not having the Portrait View Keyboard selection option? Check again and set it to Full Keyboard not SureType or Multitap. Then when you push the menu button a save window should show up.



Just changed the settings, still not getting the option, I am pretty sure you have a more updated firmware than I do, can you tell me what the last 3 numbers of your firmware is?  If I can ever get a picture (I will try to borrow another phone to snap a picture of my screen and text it to myself), I will post it as soon as I get a picture of it

Contributor - Level 3

Here's a picture of the Screen/Keyboard Menu, based on what you said, I would of expected the Key Indicator option to be below the "Portrait View Keyboard" setting and above the separator line, but as you can see, it's not thereScreen/Keyboard Menu

Specialist - Level 1

And all this time I thought this had always been there and I didn't notice it before! Well I installed the leaked .419 OS and maybe it came with that. I sent you a PM with a link to it. If you are not familiar with loading a leaked and now RIM official release, read up on it and Back up, Back up Back up. After you download it and save it to your desktop,then back up your S1 is to open your C file on your comp. and remove the Vendor file. Then you will look in there and find App loader and double click it. Then the download should start and it will run for a long time. Just be patient and let it do its thing. Remember as long as you backed it up you can restore it if it fails for some reason. be sure you do searches for installing from a leaked OS. I nor anyone else is responsible if your phone doesn't work. That is just to be sure you are warned. I was afraid at first and waited until the first of March to do this because it came out in Dec. of 09 and here we are into April and VZW still hasn't released it.

Contributor - Level 3


LCromwell wrote:

And all this time I thought this had always been there and I didn't notice it before! Well I installed the leaked .419 OS and maybe it came with that. I sent you a PM with a link to it. If you are not familiar with loading a leaked and now RIM official release, read up on it and Back up, Back up Back up. After you download it and save it to your desktop,then back up your S1 is to open your C file on your comp. and remove the Vendor file. Then you will look in there and find App loader and double click it. Then the download should start and it will run for a long time. Just be patient and let it do its thing. Remember as long as you backed it up you can restore it if it fails for some reason. be sure you do searches for installing from a leaked OS. I nor anyone else is responsible if your phone doesn't work. That is just to be sure you are warned. I was afraid at first and waited until the first of March to do this because it came out in Dec. of 09 and here we are into April and VZW still hasn't released it.



In that case I may just forget about it, it's not that worth it to me for the Key Indicator, I have a Mac that is currently running OS X so it would involve me rebooting into Vista to do it (unless leaked versions work with the BlackBerry syncing software)


Anyway, after my first experience updating my S1 (updating to the v5.0 update), I had a very bad experience (took me all night to get it to boot properly, then even longer to get only half my Apps back, only to figure out the other half of my Apps were incompatible with the update), so i'm not updating again until it can wash the dishes and do the laundry, lol :smileyvery-happy:

Specialist - Level 1

This maybe of help:

Go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research in Motion\AppLoader on your computer and you should find the vendor.xml file.  If you do not, do a search for it and you should be able to find it.



Does anyone know if the  SMS/MMS  UI can be changed after the new Tour update? I cannot stand the 'instant messaging' look and feel. any feed back would be great... If I cannot change it, does anyone have a link/knowledge of how to downgrade back to the prev OS...


Contributor - Level 3


k2Rend wrote:

Does anyone know if the  SMS/MMS  UI can be changed after the new Tour update? I cannot stand the 'instant messaging' look and feel. any feed back would be great... If I cannot change it, does anyone have a link/knowledge of how to downgrade back to the prev OS...




The Storm is the same way, I am not sure about the Tour, but there is no option to change it on the Storm that I have seen, so I think the same would carry over to the Tour


As for downgrading to the previous firmware, I don't have a link to it, but if there is not a downgrade feature in the BlackBerry Desktop Manager, you should be able to do a search for the previous firmware version you had and try downloading it
