Blocking stolen PIN



I am not a current customer of Verizon, however I did own a Blackberry Storm 2 by Verizon that I won from an auction site. I sold the phone on eBay, but the buyer complained that the phone can't be turned on and some other stuff. eBay decided to side with the buyer and asked the buyer to return the phone to me and I have to refund him when I get the phone back.


However, recently when I tried to PIN message the phone with my other BB, the PIN message was Delivered. (which is not supposed to happen IF the phone can't be turned on)


I am suspecting that the buyer is trying to scam me by returning another replaced/damaged phone. I've asked about this elsewhere and most people said there's nothing I can do as eBay/Paypal will ask me to refund the money once they have a delivery confirmation for the return (regardless if the buyer returns a brick/whatever).


So, as the phone is by Verizon, is there anyway I could get Verizon to block the PIN and perhaps forward it to RIM? Unfortunately, I do not have any legal document that acknowledges me as the owner of that particular PIN. I do however have a receipt from the auction site that I won the Storm 2 from (that mentions my name, but no PIN number) and also detailed pictures of the box for the phone (which has its IMEI, PIN etc.)

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2 Replies
Contributor - Level 3

Since the phone wasnt sold directly from Verizon wireless and that you are not a verizon customer, there would not very much that verizon can do about blocking the phone's pin. Generally there could possibly be records of the sale of the phone from the original buyer of the device but because of security purposes, more than likely no information can be given to you and no actions can be done to the phone since you did not purchase it directly from verizon, but it doesnt hurt to try to contact our technical support specialists in reference about this issue.


Did you record all of the serial numbers, ESID, all that stuff, before you sent it to them?  That way when it's returned, you'd be able to tell whether or not it was the same phone, correct?


All that info should have been under the battery...