Custom Ring Tones/Alerts setting to Classic ring for ALL contacts

Since I have updated to the Blackberry Tour 9630 v 1 all (every single one) of my contact entries now have the custom ring tone/alert set under their contact entry and it's the classic phone ringer. 


I have seen on other forums where people having this same issue, but when I follow the instructions to go to sounds, profiles, Set Contact Alerts, then delete anything you see,  there were maybe 20 names vs.. my 300+ contact entries.  I did delete these and they are fine, but all the other contacts in my phone still have this classic ringer step up and it can't be deleted from their contact info.


How do I get rid of all of these contact alerts so my phone will just follow what's in the profile?

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Contributor - Level 2

Try going to your profiles>Advanced and uncheck the box for "Use Active Profile Except For:  Important Calls".


This should take care of it.  All custome ring tones attached to a contact make that contact an important contact.