Free or Cheap upgrade for 9630 owners upon 9650 release?

I have gone through 4 tours already where the track ball stopped responding, is there going to be an option for me to switch to the tour2 so I stop having these problems??? or is Verizon going to be like every other cellular carrier and make me stick with this flawed phone for  the full 2 yrs? I don't feel like paying $500 to get the new phone since that amount is absolutely ridiculous to pay for any phone.

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just keep complaining man. keep on keeping on .they gave me my tour for 2 year price (199) after complaining about the storm and how much of a nightmare it was. im on my 2nd tour. they say the issue has been resolved and it was only the  1st batch of tours which is **bleep**! lol. but yea keep on complaining and keep getting replacements


ur now in the zone for them to do something after they replace a device 3 times they will offer u something. go to if u get no satisfaction someone from exc cust service will contact you. or call 1 866 406 5154 thats teir 2 cust service there smart there there not like the teir 1 people who dont even know what a service book for a blackberry is or how to send it.


its also about caling in and getting the right csr, if u have to hang up and call back till u get someone who will work with you and take you seriously, there are caring people there. i had issues before with cs and them doing that. i had an outstanding charge cause they said i didnt send 2 devices in a few years ago and i got nowhere for a long time till i got a csr that looked and looked and called the warehouse and found my phones i sent in cause i lost the slip from fedex.