HTTP Error 502: Bad Gateway

Ever since RIM pushed out the latest software update to my BB Storm 2, I have not been able to access a number of websites (including Yahoo, ESPN, etc..)  that I had complete access to prior to the software push.  Has anyone else had this issue and any success with a fix?  


Thanks in advance. 

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1 Reply
Contributor - Level 3

I have provided some information below that may help with the error you are receiving on your Blackberry. I have listed a Blackberry (KB) Knowledge Base article below on this error code.


One thing you can do is change the web browser that the device is using. I have provided those instructions below for your convenience.


Change the default browser configuration to Internet Browser.


  1. On the Home screen of the BlackBerry smartphone, click Options.
  2. Click Advanced Options.
  3. Click Browser.
  4. Change the Default browser configuration field to Internet Browser.



I hope this information helps!