Hello, I had to get a warranty phone, it was shipped with the old software, update has taken 2 hours to download and install with several crashes and fatal errors. Is there a chance they sent me a lemon or is this typical?

Newbie here, I have a warranty z10 that I am trying to get switched with my defective z10. They sent a used or refurbished phone that had the old software package on it so I could not use the Blackberry Link to switch the phones with out updating the software. This phone seems to operate at a crawl, the download and the writing of the new program continually crashes and then must start again from zero. Question is, does this community think it possible the warranty phone is defective in its ability to compute? Am I going to have to go through this everytime?

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2 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

It's certainly possible to get a bad phone, especially if it's a used one.  If you can, I would suggest doing a security wipe and starting fresh and download the new update immediately as soon as possible during setup.

If you are using BlackBerry Link, first make sure you have the current version of BB Link and also, try a different USB Cable or USB port.
