Help with Blackberry Storm 2 voice dialing
Enthusiast - Level 3

I just got 2 BBS2's 3 days ago, on one the voice dilaing works great on the other one it won't. When you activate voice dialing it comes up gives you the pompt when you say the number or name you want to dial it recognizes it and says calling "whatever it is you've said" but then it just brings up the dial pad it doesn't actually dial the number. Is there a setting I could possibly be overlooking that I need to be fixed or is this phone just not working properly?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.





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1 Reply
Specialist - Level 1

You may need to improve voice recognition by completing a short series of prompts that ask you to say specific numbers and words.

  1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.
  2. Click Voice Dialing.
  3. Click Adapt Voice.
  4. Complete the instructions on the screen.

I hope this is helpful! :smileyhappy: