Help with Blackberry Storm

My phone frequently starts to lag horridly. It makes doing even the most basic things a phone should do impossible. I can't answer or make phone calls, I can't even click it to get to the main menu screen. It takes anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes before the loading screen goes away and sometimes, that's all it does, the loading screen goes away but I still can't do anything. Occasionally white boxes appear on the screen and block things out. So I basically have a phone that I haven't even had for 3 months, and it seems like it's on the verge of death. 


Verizon is also garbage. It just so happens that I don't know my father's social security number off the top of my head and he isn't always available to be answering phones calls. Thus it makes it impossible to get support from Verizon because for some idiotic reason, they need to know that social security number BEFORE I can even be allowed to talk to someone about my shotty $500 phone that is incapable of performing the most rudimentary functions; (like answering a simple phone call) much less anything else that it's supposed to be able to do (hooray for inaccessible luxuries.) 


So it is with a heavy heart and a belligerent mood, that I am now forced to turn to the online community for support on my phone; rather than the **bleep** who sold it to me or the company that controls those **bleep**. 


In conclusion, Verizon sucks. Verizon support sucks even harder. It is unnecessarily difficult to even get help with their products and I hope the geniuses that came up with Verizon's support and technical difficulties branch die slowly in a fire.


TL;DR I get a loading screen for everything I do and that loading screen takes forever to go away. I can't do anything on my phone. Help.

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2 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

wangwong wrote:

My phone frequently starts to lag horridly. It makes doing even the most basic things a phone should do impossible. I can't answer or make phone calls, I can't even click it to get to the main menu screen. It takes anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes before the loading screen goes away and sometimes, that's all it does, the loading screen goes away but I still can't do anything. Occasionally white boxes appear on the screen and block things out. So I basically have a phone that I haven't even had for 3 months, and it seems like it's on the verge of death. 



Ok, is it a S1 or S2. Have you done all the clearing of memory you can? I would like you to push Options (gear wrench) and scroll down to memory push it and scroll a little bit down until you see how many Mb you have left? If you have none or under 10 then you need to open it up by 1) clicking on INTERNET Globe, then BB Menu and click options then, Cache Operations. push everything you can in there and 1 will ask you if you want to delete pushed content,push delete there, and cookies this will up your memory. Now pull bat. Wait 30 sec and re install Bat. and door and then push red phone on / off to get it to re start. After all is re started then go to options again and report back about how much Mb you now have oh also before you pull bat. push green phone button and then in the middle at the top will be a pic of a phone with arrows going to and from it. Push it, then at the bottom left there will be a red X push it for every number listed there until they are all gone. Do this as often as you like. 



You will also want to check to make sure you are using the most up to date firmware version on the Storm.  Go to Options -> About -> 3rd line down should say 5.0โ€ฆ


