How do I block collect calls on my phone?
Enthusiast - Level 1

Is there a way to block collect calls on my phone. Somebody in the county jail system got my number and keeps calling me.  I've called the jail but they say they don't know who it is.  My phone got 40 calls in the last half hour and its driving me crazy.  Any help would be appreciated.

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3 Replies
Contributor - Level 1
Collect calls cannot be made from or received on wireless devices. This includes collect calls from incarceration facilities.
Master - Level 3

BlackDragon wrote:
Collect calls cannot be made from or received on wireless devices. This includes collect calls from incarceration facilities.

That's not true. It depends on which company the prison uses for it's calling. Certain companies will reach cell phones, others will not. I would suggest, for the OP, to find out which calling company the prison uses and contact them and have your number removed from their list.

Contributor - Level 1
no, collect calls do not work on cell phones. How would a collect call bill the user? Normal collect calls bill through landline companies, cell phone companies do not accept charges from collect calls.