How to remove pin from BIS

I bought a BB Storm from a friend, to realize that I am unable to add data service to my phone until I have the pin remove and get one of my own. How may I remove my the pin from my BB Storm 9530??



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22 Replies

You cant get a new PIN. The PIN is tied to the phone. There is no way to change it. The only way to get a new pin is to buy a new phone.


I was told it can be deactivated. I wanted to use this phone on a different network. When I contacted my service provider, they told me to contact the original carrier and have them remove the pin or block, so that they can provide me with a new pin, per my data service.


Sounds like you are talking about UNLOCKING the phone. You said you want to use it on another carrier. I know how unlocking works but I think that would be someone else's expertise.


I know you either need to get the phone unlocked for the new carrier (you can try calling verizon and asking for the unlock codes but I doubt they will give it).


The phone is already unlocked, I have done that already. But for example, I put another sim card in the phone, would like to browse the internet, I am unable to do that. If I want to pin another friend, i am unable to do that. Because the pin number on the phone belong to the person I bought it from and it will not allow me to pin. Now when I call a network provider to set up internet browsing in my bb, they inform me that I would first need to have that pin number removed and they will then set me on their network, in order to get internet.

Champion - Level 1


I was looking at your posts and it seems you are wanting to use the Storm 9530 on another network and the phone belonged to another person who sold it to you.  The Storm 9530 will not work on another service such as ATT.  The Storm is a CDMA phone and will not work on their network.  You can probably get it activated on Verizon.  The SIM card does not mean a thing as far as Verizon's networks.  It is there for accessing overseas GSM networks.



Thank you Doc, well the situation is the BB Storm is a Quad band which also uses Edge, It does indeed work on GSM networks as well. The storm that I bought is a Verizon phone. I unlocked it to be able to use it on another 3g network. But my service provider is unable to set up the bb package on it without first getting the pin release. I have a phone with internet capability that I am unable to access the internet with. That is pretty much the skinny right there. Now I need to know how I can get the pin removed, deactivated or reasigned.

Champion - Level 1

Which carrier are you planning to use your Storm?




Champion - Level 1


If you can get customer service at Verizon to give you the code, then you probably could use it on TMobile.  I've heard it can be hard to get the code so you may have to call repeatedly to speak to the right person.  Good luck.



Thank you Doc

Contributor - Level 1


BDRichter wrote:

You cant get a new PIN. The PIN is tied to the phone. There is no way to change it. The only way to get a new pin is to buy a new phone.


Not so, The PIN is assigned by the carrier, I had a pearl and went to a storm and kept the same Pin, Other wise you would have to send a new pin number to all your BBM contacts.


Also the Storm is a world phone, It should work on AT&T, Tmobile or any GSM based service. No difference from Overseas GSM or Local GSM, Same animal.



:smileyhappy:I agree with you, but no one seem to quite understand what I am saying here. The pin is what we use on the bb to pin, or ping, or bb, other Blackberry phones. Also, the network provided uses this pin to be able to set you up on a data package, ie internet etc. So, as you have mentioned that pin is assigned to previous owner, not just to the phone, at which point that can be changed for another user to use on a different network if they so choose. The phone is a Quad band, which give you the capability to be used on any network world wide, as long as the phone is network unlocked (which my Blackberry storm is).

Specialist - Level 1

Nya wrote:

:smileyhappy:I agree with you, but no one seem to quite understand what I am saying here. The pin is what we use on the bb to pin, or ping, or bb, other Blackberry phones. Also, the network provided uses this pin to be able to set you up on a data package, ie internet etc. So, as you have mentioned that pin is assigned to previous owner, not just to the phone, at which point that can be changed for another user to use on a different network if they so choose. The phone is a Quad band, which give you the capability to be used on any network world wide, as long as the phone is network unlocked (which my Blackberry storm is).

What you said is all correct. In practice, however, it's unorthodox and carriers don't like to do unorthodox things. You see, their employees are not trained how to make this happen for you. Most care reps will have no idea how to do this. They'll tell you that it can't be done if they're too lazy to check, or others will honestly try to find out but if they can't find the resources they won't be able to help you. Unlocking an ESN, that's the verbiage you need to use when you call VZW. With an unlocked VZW, you are supposedly able to activate your phone on another carrier's network. Changing the BB PIN, that's not something I've ever heard of. When VZW activates your personal $29.99 or $44.99 enterprise plan, they don't need to know your PIN number. Just like any activation, they need to know the ESN/MEID, your MDN, MIN and SID. Perhaps unlocking your ESN will give you another PIN when activated with a different carrier? Why would you need a different PIN anyway? As you said, the BB PIN is used by BB Messenger. RIM uses it on their BIS, maybe BES too.

As you so rightufully said, the Pin accessibility in order to use the fucntionality you carefully pointed out. Pin with the BB, allows you certain functionality you normally wouldn't have. I am able to pin to other BB friends or fam, without the charge of texting, or other wise BB IM. it also allow you to set up your data package with a new carrier. So follow me if you will, the current pin on my phone is registered to the previous owner and network. I am unable to use any of the data function until I have a pin of my own. That is like having a user name and passward. You get what I am saying??


Have you tried calling Verizon, and asking BB tech to remove the PIN from the BIS or BES server? (Maybe this phone is locked on an IT policy?) That could prevent it from being activated elsewhere......


I had that issue when I bought one off ebay. It was still registered to a BES server. I had to get them to deactivate the BES before I could do anything.


Yes I will give them a call and see if they can straighten out this matter.


Ok explain this.....


You take your pin from your Pearl to your storm. What happens to the person who activates the pearl? What pin do they get? The pin always matches the label on the phone, the box, and the options menu of the phone.


My blackberry automatically redadds people when I switch devices. Look at the label under your battery. It has the PIN on it. The PIN doesnt travel. Your phone probably just auto updated your new contacts. When I did it, it just sent an auto request to all my BBM friends to change the pin to this new device and they either accept or decline.


The PIN Is NOT carrier assigned. PIN is attached to the phone.


If it kept the same pin, than anytime I got a new BB or upgraded BB, the apps that I bought that were registered to the PIN wouldnt require me to re-register them or repay for them if the pin was the same.


See this thread, posts 2, and 3:




Man, I tell you what, if you can read that information under the battery, your eye sight is beyond 20/20. I need a magnifying glass to see that. But from what I can tell, two different thing, numbers are not the same.

Contributor - Level 1

I was mistaken on the pin being transferable, My storm and pearl are the same except for one number, easy to miss that one. Anyways the way it works is, Everything goes through BIS or BES anyways, So when you activate the phone (If you have two Berry's you can switch anytime you want on Verizon's site) Anyways It's Seamless, BIS or BES automatically Changes the Pin number associated with your account depending on what device you have active, Your Contacts See the active Pin. In Phone book and BBM (The two are intertwined)


Ok, I am with you so far. But my question remain, do I need to get a release of Pin for Verizon to be able to get bb data service on another nextwork??