I have a BlackBerry Passport, Verizon Sees my Passport, but will NOT add it.

Yes that is correct everyone, I have purchased a BlackBerry Passport from Blackberry, and tried to hook it up to Verizon's Network. However what everyone doesn't know is that Verizon purposely does not ALLOW Any phone on its network that doesn't have CDMA certification (or No CDMA). Basically if you have a 4GLTE phone with all the bands (like the Passport) your OUT OF LUCK! Why? Because Verizon has not chosen to adhere to FCC ruling to allow out of market phones on their network. The ruling came down Lets see HOW MANY MONTHS ago? I have prob. cooked my own goose with this post in trying to get my device connected, but I want everyone to know.

I personally don't actually want to leave Verizon as they have a terrific network where I live, and I never have an Issue, but at this juncture I feel i have no choice. The passport works on every other network in the USA (as long as its not a Verizon network, and I have not tried Sprint yet).

I am sure if enough people rise up and force Verizon to flip that little switch (and allow non verizon phones without CDMA) I am sure they can retain some customers, but for me it looks like AT&T is getting my business either tomorrow or the Next.

Verizon you have my IMEI, make it work and Ill stay I promise. If not you loose both phones to AT&T or T-mobile.

PS its prob best if a regular rep doesn't answer this, because seeing the response of "Sorry to see to see you go" is OLD. I would like a REAL response from a REAL network engineer that will give me a real answer.

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14 Replies

Also there is talk that VoLTE is not in place. I am not sure yet on this, and if its not why is it taking Verizon so long to do this? 2016 is not a viable date for the BlackBerry Passport LOL!

Specialist - Level 2

Not gonna happen. Ever. Verizon will not activate a device they did not sell themselves. Even if, at some future date, Verizon releases the Passport themselves, the one you have will have be allowed on the Verizon network. This is nothing new - been that way just about forever.

Maybe Verizon will skip the Passport and release the Classic in a few months.


I actually have already activated it the passport on AT&T and you are correct as long as Verizon continues with this whole must have CDMA than eventually Verizon will be in Sprints spot. Have to keep up with the changing landscape. As we all know blackberry did not do. However this new passport is so amazing and has that wow factor I think they could be onto something. Let's hope they stay on this path because they are the only phone I use. While there are a lot of great phones out there I am a blackberry user.

I most likely will not go with the classic because I can't see me going to a smaller screen when I have this one. I have been wanting a large screen keyboard for so long. The keyboard does take some getting used to, and with the passport 2 I'm sure they will correct those things.


Verizon is CDMA... You must have CDMA... The networks are not compatible with each other...

Within the next 10 years GSM and CDMA will be retired and your arguement is a moot point. I don't even eexpect RIM to pull out and become green again. They'll be sold off and become a new company like Nokia and Motorola. Shoot Sprint is already been sold off too. They are Sprint only by name.


Seriously your throwing 10 years out there? For that matter apple, and Google could. E sold off by then. That's like saying I'll have my passport for 10 years and I will still be upset at verizon because they didn't keep LTE. Hahaha. For that matter none of us could be here in 10 years.

The fact still remains that Verizon is behind the times not that I have a blackberry.


They are not behind the times. GSM which AT&T is roughly the same age as CDMA used by Verizon. Verizon is actually ahead in technology compared to most of the world aside T-Mobile and a small handful of carriers.

You can't get a GSM device to work on a CDMA network or the opposite. LTE changes this as you can retire two considered ancient technologies. This allows manufacturers to make fewer devices and reduce costs in the future.

It would happen sooner than 10 years but some people have loyalties and stick with their old devices longer than they really need to. So I am giving a large margin of error.


โ€ŽWell we can go back and forth on this. And yes GSM and CDMA are not compatible, that wasn't the issue. The issue was that their LTE network is tied to their CDMA network like no one else does. If their LTE network allowed calls then anyone could bring any phone LTE/GSM compatible to verizon. They built LTE to handle data only, where as all the other companies don't do this.

I'm not counting sprint because sprint is even further behind and not even worth arguing about.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.


So is GSM for the other carriers... It has to be tied until completed and VoLTE has been completed, and devices have more developmental testing done. VoLTE isn't 100% ready let all a 85% ready.


Again Verizon is already moving to VoLTE. They have more areas than Sprint, and AT&T... T-Mobile has the most because they bought MetroPCS and they were already developing and testing VoLTE.

Europe just started rolli g out LTE... They don't even have the footprint for VoLTE saturation yet.

Specialist - Level 2

Sprint is still around??? 


They are. They were acquired by Softbank. So Sprint is only Sprint by name. They are controlled and run by a Japanese company now. Nokia is owned and run by MS. They are changing their name to MS It or something like that. Motorola is now owned by Lenovo.

Ironically people keep saying Verizon will end up like Sprint. Verizon's churn rates disproved that argument. They have steadly gained while the other carriers haven't. T-Mobile gimmicks won't know how effective that will be until next year sometime as people are up for renewal or no longer tied to an EIP. Before these gimmicks T-Mobile was losing customers in bunches.


MS Oy silly auto correct lol


I will agree with you on the sprint thing for sure.

Although I am unclear also about the T-mobile thing, but it has changed pricing across the board. The issue with T-mobile is their coverage is not as good. They should use all that money there bringing in to expand their network. I am glad the sprint/t-mobile deal didn't go through as I'm all for people making money I would rather it stay home.

โ€ŽLastly I hate auto correct because they don't have it right on any platform, iphone I would say is the worse. Only because I have one to compare with.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.


3 of 4 carriers money goes overseas.

Verizon main share holders are vodaphone(they own the most shares compared to any other group). Duetch Telcom owns T-Mobile USA, and Sprint is owned by Softbank. I think it wouldn't have matter where the money was going.

VoLTE in the USA should happen before 2020 however the problem will be they can't retire the networks needed because people may not switch phones or upgrade. This will be the problem all carriers will face.