Migrate contact list from Chocolate 3 to Pearl?

I recently acquired a Pearl through Ebay and would like to know if theres a way to easily or even moderately annoyingly migrate my contacts.  As sad as it is to say, it will actually be easier for me to try to find a way to hack them over if needbe rather than retype them in.  Is there any way to do this with BitPim or a similar program?

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4 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

The easiest way is to go to a Verizon store , and they will do the transfer for you. Then install Desktop Manager on your home computer, and do a backup on your Pearl. Then you will have a backup of your contacts.


BTW, if you don't have a BB disc, you can go to www.vzam.net/blackberry, click on "Desktop Software", and install Desktop Manager.


Will that cost me money? If not I'm all for it, but I don't want to spend any money I don't need to.
Contributor - Level 1

If you are a VIP customer, there is no fee. Otherwise, I think the fee is $10.00 (which I would gladly pay instead of re-entering all my contacts).

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Community Leader

If you have your contacts backed up with Backup Assistant, there is, what I call, my kludgy workaround to get the contacts into an Excel spreadsheet or txt file, that can be imported to your BB device....


Tell Backup Assistant to print your contact list (on your computer), and it will open a pop up window with the information. You can then click and drag to select all of it, copy, and paste it AS TEXT (on the right click menu in Excel choose Paste special....then choose as text) into Excel. That will put everything into nice neat columns in Excel that you can do with what you like...save as .csv, save as .txt, etc. and then import that.


I agree with basspro though, taking both devices to a store and letting them do the transfer is MUCH easier!