My blackberry storm 9530 whites out w/ error 523

Hi my name is dinesha and I just recently got a blackberry storm and its been working fine until now. every time I turn it on (since it stopped working) it will do a security check and then the screen will go white with the words "app error 523" with "reset" under it. I tried to take the battery out but that did not work and I tried to reset it and that did not work either. Can someone help me please...

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Contributor - Level 3

You will need to reload your OS. If you do it OTA you will lose all your 3rd party apps. I recommend:


1. Backup all your settings with Desktop Manager (DM)

2, Download and use BB Swiss Army Knife (BBSAK) to back up your 3rd pary apps

3. Download the latest & greatest OS for your BB.

4. Use BBSAK to Load OS. It may ask you to back up and restore settings & apps, which would be good.

5. If you manually need to restore apps & settings, use BBSAK to restore apps and then DM to restore settings


That should resolve your problem. Good Luck!