New BB Owner with a question
I have the BB Curve, and I have noticed that my text msg's show up in 2 different places....why is that?? One app says "Messages" when you hover over it, and the other says "SMS and MMS"....
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1 Reply
Champion - Level 1


Welcome to the forums.  By default, all messages are placed in the folders for the type of message that is received.  Example, email messages are placed in the email folders for the specific email accounts.  Also, all SMS (text) messages are placed in the SMS/MMS folder.  The Messages folder is a "catch-all" folder where all messages are placed in one convienent place for you to go to.  If you want to change which message types are placed in the Message folder, change the options.  Open the Messages folder.  Then, click on the Menu key (to the left of the trackball) and select Options.  Next, select Inbox Settings.  Here is where you can select which messages are placed in the Messages folder.  To remove a message type from being placed in the Messages folder, simply uncheck the box next to the email account name or the box next to SMS and MMS.  Example, if you uncheck the box next to SMS and MMS, all text messages will appear only in the SMS and MMS folder, not in the Messages folder.  I hope this help.  Happy Holidays.
