New Blackberry 9930 YUK

Within 1 week it removed all contacts, then using Verizon's backup it removed all of their information. Little yellow faces come up even though I don't hit the button. It started to do things I didn't ask it to do, does it have a brain? Ha.  I finally am packing it up and returning to the retail Verizon store where I got it. I can't believe how many things it jumped to without me opening these items.

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3 Replies

Everyone needs to adjust the sensitivity of the device to their own liking/preferences.  I've had the 9930 for less than a week, and I'm amazed at all the little adjustments that you can make to really make it "yours."  Don't pack it up yet!  Out of all the phones I've had over my lifetime with cell phones (and I'm pretty old, and have had a lot of different cell phones and PDA's), I am totally adoring the Bold 9930.  I'm still playing with settings to get the most out of the battery; I've adjusted the trackpad and screen sensitivity (yes, you CAN adjust these) and my FAVORITE adjustment has been the size of the text!  Finally, these old eyes don't have to squint or hold the phone at arm's length! 


If the contacts are being removed, check your settings as well as your sync settings.  If you're using the Desktop Manager (I don't), then there's settings there that can be adjusted.  Because I don't run Windows at home, I actually sync with an online service -- that does backups and helps me restore ALL of my files if I switch phones.  But I still have to adjust the settings on the BB to my liking -- I set calendar and emails to keep items forever, because I want them gone only when I decide to, for example.


Keep the BB 9930 -- play around with it, learn about it -- depending on the phone you're coming from, there may be a learning curve.  Check out and the forums there -- when I got my first BB years ago, they were invaluable in helping me learn to get the most out of the device.



9930 is the best smartphone ive seen in a while and for sure blackberrys best . You just have to make it yours and cant forget to lock the screen everytime.
Specialist - Level 1

My phone is better than yours LOL !

New Torch 9850 and yes you can adjust the pressure setting on the all touch and letter size plus it has a track pad too! great new all touch keyboard and a letterbox screen bigger than the Storms!