New Charges

I was just wondering how long the $9.99 internet charge for all multimedia phones and $29.99 charge for smart phones are going to last. I don't think it is the best idea to charge when some people don't want internet on their phone but like Verizon and their phones. 

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5 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

The $29.99 plan for smartphones is now required by all carriers. Since VZW started charging $9.99 for internet-capable phones, AT&T started charging $20.00!




Why all of a sudden are we getting charged for internet in the first place I liked when we could cancel the internet on our phones. 

Master - Level 1


as3030 wrote:

Why all of a sudden are we getting charged for internet in the first place I liked when we could cancel the internet on our phones. 


See this thread on reasons for the $9.99 data plan-->Data Plan Reasons  The data plan for smart phones has always been required.That part never changed.That was always and still is enforced.



As a customer and I bet many others feel the same way I do, we feel it is not right to be forced to pay charges we do not want. I think that goes for all phones, including smart phones. I think a lot more people would pay for the more expensive phone like blackberries when they can choose if they want the internet or not. I feel like being forced with these charges is going to hurt the company rather than help it. 

Contributor - Level 1

[QUOTE]  As a customer and I bet many others feel the same way I do, we feel it is not right to be forced to pay charges we do not want. I think that goes for all phones, including smart phones. I think a lot more people would pay for the more expensive phone like blackberries when they can choose if they want the internet or not. I feel like being forced with these charges is going to hurt the company rather than help it.  [END QUOTE]



I am sure that others as well as I would agree with you on the subject of charges for data/text  on the smartphones.

However I can't complain sense the store I bought mine and wife Storms from took the time and trouble to explain to us that there would be extra charges attached to our purchase , ie: data / text / vzNav / Rhapsodie and such. I am so sorry that the people never explained these charges to you before you bought yours. Shame on them, Shame, Shame.

I also feel that if you want to buy a $500 phone that will not work without a data plan, you should have that right. If you choose to have it for a paperweight, that is your business, not theirs ....

I am outraged at RIMs audacity to charge for a product they make, update and maintain just for us and our computerized paperweights.

Carry on the good fight for ALL of us. Now I have to write a letter to Ford Motor Co. and complain loudly that they sold me a car that I have to put gas in to keep it running. Needless to say I am livid about this. They never told me I would need new tires and gas for it plus I have a 4 year contract on the dang thing. ( but this is another subject, sorry to rant on your excellent posting) Carry on.....