Option to Disable 4G on Q10 (and use 3G in lieu)

The new iphone 5 has an option to disable 4G and allow the phone to work in 3G mode.  This disable button can be helpful for situations when the 4G service is weak.

I work in midtown Manhattan and the 4G/LTE service is weak in both my office and my commuting hub (Port Authority).  Because the radio on the phone can find a whiff of 4G, it meakly attempts to use that to no avail.  Emails get stuck in outbox, searching for webpages goes nowhere and the phone thinks there is no connection.

This is clearly a 4G issue.  My old BB never had a problem with this.  My friends who can disable their 4G do so for situations such as mine.

I spoke to the folks at BlackBerry and they said this was a "carrier decision" not to have a network connection listed as "3G only" in the Network Technology section of the Mobile Network.  They told me other carriers did offer such an option.

When I spoke the tech support team at Verizon, they said a software update would need to be implemented to allow this "feature."

I understand that us BB users are akin to unicorns.  However, those of us who use them like the new technology.

I strongly urge the Verizon customer support team to implement the software update that would allow Q10/Z10 users the ability to turn off the 4G.  It would be the fair and right thing to do.

The favor of a Verizon response is requested.

Thank you.

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  • Q10

6 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We want you to enjoy reliable service in as many locations as possible raul70! We are happy to investigate your concerns. What zip code is this? How does the device perform outdoors and in other locations? It sounds like most of your difficulties are occurring with indoor locations, where our control is limited. I'm sorry most current devices do not have the option to turn off 4G. We are unable to confirm what may be available in the future.

VZW Support
Follow Us on Twitter@VZWSupport


Hi JonathanK-

Maybe you misread my post? In it I mentioned that I work in midtown Manhattan and commute through the Port Authority.

To be specific though, the office zip code is 10017 (a block from Grand Central Terminal, another large commuting hub). The zip code for the Port Authority Bus Terminal (PABT) is 10018 (625 8th Ave., NY, NY).

BlackBerry specifically told me that Verizon is the blockage to a switch on my Q10 that would allow me to turn off 4G. Is that inaccurate?

If so, I would like to schedule a conference call between your team and the BlackBerry team to get to the bottom of this.

Thank you, in advance, for your assistance with this matter.

Customer Service Rep

Thanks for the additional details raul70. The coverage in both of those zip codes is strong. You have mentioned your office, a train terminal and a bus terminal. Our control is limited with indoor locations. There is not an option to turn off 4G on the Blackberry Q10, nor can it be done on most current 4G devices. Specific configurations can't be changed on the device. Our options to troubleshoot concern like this is to review the network up to the point of a specific structure. You mentioned that you have worked with another support channel prior to posting here. What was recommended to you? We have the same troubleshooting options and recommendations available here as we do in our other support channels, via phone or chat.

VZW Support
Follow Us on Twitter@VZWSupport


I am having the same issues in 90027.  I switched from AT&T to Verizon because of poor coverage at my home and had no problems for several years, then I got the new Blackberry Q10 and it forces 4G/LTE. 

Coverage is poor and I am getting dropped calls due to "network not available" on a daily basis.  I have 2 bars normally, not good.  My wife's work AT&T GSM phone gets better coverage.

I have NO need for 4g data speeds etc.

Is there any way to force 3G given our problems?  Is there a way to make calls over WIFI instead of the phone network?

Blackberry Q10 (with every update)

Zip 90027

Customer Service Rep

abaheti We want you to get the most out of your service with us. Having the same issues with signal can become frustrating and we want to provide you with the best options. There currently will not be any changes to select only 3g instead of 4g like some other 4G devices. We are showing that the zip code has great coverage for 4g, overall. We recommend checking to make sure your data roaming is enabled under settings, network connections, mobile network and select "data services while roaming" and turn it on. Also, if your wifi is enabled, turn it off when you are not actually connected. Please test and let us know your results. 

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Enthusiast - Level 2

These instructions will allow you to do what you are describing.


-posted via Verizon BlackBerry Q10 on 3G.