Passport on Verizon! NOW!
Enthusiast - Level 1

How can Verizon NOT have the BB Passport? Verizon NEEDS TO GET THE PASSPORT.

After over ten years with Verizon I am seriously considering switching to AT&T over this.

Don't you see that people are fed up with the same old iPhones and Android devices? My iphone 6 is a piece of junk, it's poorly built and literally feels like a cheap piece of plastic. Worst iphone I've had.

Verizon knows BB was the dominant smartphone in the past, and for many reasons people left BB as the company had issues, but stayed with Verizon of course. Now that they make the passport, one of the best phones on the market, can't you foresee that ALL of those past BB users would be potential buyers of their new Passport? Do you realize how many past BB users you have in your network? Are you not reading the raving reviews of the Passport and the overwhelming response? I'm noticing posts here that are over a year old begging for the passport! Figure it out! Verizon is already the most expensive carrier in all that I've tried, where are YOUR exclusive BB phones?

The classic isn't good enough, although I'm glad they are offering that, and the Z10 and other models aren't good enough either. It's the passport people want and yet again AT&T got an exclusive before Verizon.

I'm highly disappointed in Verizon! Get the passport!

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18 Replies

What makes you believe that the BB Passport is superior to all other phones?

Enthusiast - Level 2

It's been proven to be . Do some research. Only Blackberry's are built to withstand drops onto concrete from 7 feet. Try that with your Apple crap. Car manufactures like Ford are switching to Blackberry's software for there voice activated screens cause Windows crap wouldn't work right..... like

Specialist - Level 2

Another reason to never buy a Ford. Maybe they should make their own Software like every other car maker

Enthusiast - Level 2

Goes to show your knowledge. They all buy the software from someone else.


They aren't finished yet, but until BB comes up with some innovation other than a physical keyboard, no one is taking 3 inch square screens seriously.  I mean, IDK what to even say to your drop test speculation.  LOL  And, a lot of cars integrate Apple and Android into their entertainment offerings.  I remember my Curve 8330.  Best thing ever I the time.  Then change came, better tech, better prices, more selection, better software.  I found I didn't need to feel like a suit anymore when I picked up my Aria on AT&T.  Was a bit liberating to have a browser that went where I needed it to go.  I will say the BB had a great flash on the camera though.

Customer Service Rep

We certainly don't want to see you leave after all these years, Mm87course. What is it specifically about the Passport that has you wanting it enough to consider switching? While we are unable to change the exclusivity agreements to a specific phone, we are constantly working with the phone manufacturers to bring our customers a line up of devices to fit as many needs as possible. You can sign up at for notifications on any other new devices as they become available as well.


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Enthusiast - Level 1

Hi Jennifer,

It's not so much the passport's features, although overall I think it's a

great option for business focused professionals, and is higher quality than

my iPhone 6, what bothers me is that Verizon always seems to be behind in

these things.

AT&T had the exclusive for iPhone, has it now for the passport, and I am

even unable to obtain an unlocked Passport which I would gladly do because

it doesn't work on Verizon's outdated CDMA network. So it's one thing after

another, and Verizon is not giving their customers options or flexibility,

even to buy an unlocked phone. Verizon also goes and gets the classic but

the passport is clearly the flagship phone.

For the cost of the plans I expect verizon to be the leader. I am at my

wit's end and am strongly considering switching.

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Enthusiast - Level 2

Hello, Jennifer!

While I am not going to switch networks over a particular phone (I am currently satisfied with the Z30) I do think that the BlackBerry Passport has a lot to offer in the way of its particular blend of security and technology. The 1440x1440 screen offers great pixel density given the overall area. The physical keyboard that BlackBerry is famous for retains its presence, while at the same time offering touchpad functionality within the keyboard. Battery life is great, and the build quality is excellent. It has a definable edge over the BlackBerry Classic given its higher end battery and technical specifications, though it lacks the toolbelt the Classic offers for those attached to their legacy BlackBerry Devices.

I note that Verizon heavily pushes its iPhone offering, which makes sense given the iPhone mindshare, but I frequently also hear from employees at Verizon and non-Verizon stores that put down the BlackBerry phones that are offered with Verizon's service, and that is a disservice to the phones, as they do have a unique workflow and productivity oriented design to offer.

I would also like to see, since it is nice to have a voice to offer, updates pushed out quickly when they are sent from BlackBerry to the carrier, similar to iOS updates.

Thank you so much for asking, and I do enjoy getting service in the frequent middle of nowhere between my college and home!


+10^x on updates. Please Verizon! it is time to keep the ball rolling!  .  But that's for another thread.

I do support OP. Verizon needs to do what is possible to get the Passport. Only reason why I don't jump ship is because of my unlimited data plan. Provided I have a few lines, I'm seriouly considering moving one to where service for the Passport is offered. Understand Sonic, that if we are paying top dollar for Verizon, it ought to be because not only of the best quuality phone service. If Verizon prides itself for providing the best customer service, part of it to at least provide or attempt to meet what its customers demand. I know of a lot of Verizon subscribers who have my predicament.

Not applicable

Verizon can't do anything. At&t has an exclusive contract with Blackberry to sell the Passport. You want to blame someone blame Blackberry. Verizon can't sell a phone that Blackberry doesn't make for them. When are people going to get this?


I, too want the BB Passport. It is a very nicely featured phone, the screen real estate is very functional -- more similar to

computer screens than the typical 16x9 aspect ratio. I doubt I would leave Verizon just because, but I can't say that I wouldn't be tempted. I understand that exclusive contracts mess that up, but maybe Verizon should push a little harder to get the unique phones that loyal customers want. I love BB and will not buy another brand as long as I can function. I have had various Android phones and iPhones. None compare. Bring us the Passport as soon as possible! Please!

Specialist - Level 2

It's not up to Verizon to offer the Passport. Before they can do that, BlackBerry has to MAKE a CDMA version, and so far BlackBerry has shown no interest in doing so. If you want the Passport on Verizon, start complaining to BlackBerry about it.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Depends... if AT&T got the exclusive rights, as U.S. wireless phone provider, to sell the Passport, then VZN won't be able to get the Passport.

Here is an excerpt from the article found on The Motley Fool

"Under the agreement AT&T will be the exclusive U.S. carrier for the Passport"

Right now, people can only get the Passport via shop blackberry and or AT&T; also via Blackberry authorized resellers.


And those people cannot use it on a CDMA network, no?

Enthusiast - Level 3

Nope. To date, there are no Passport using CDMA; only GSM.

Same reason Sprint does not carry the Passport because Sprint is also CDMA and the AT&T's exclusive rights as a sole U.S. wireless carrier to sell the Passport.

Champion - Level 1

I personally don't know the issue. If a phone is enough to make you change carriers, just go ahead and do it. It's not like any of us is gonna please with you to stay, we aren't offering to help defray the costs, frankly we are anonymous as a case of paint to each other. So just leave and quit whining.


I have an unlocked Passport. Im a business user. For Business its the best phone I have ever had and I have had most of the good ones. For not Business its not your phone in my view its that simple. Does it all for business better than the others,. Screen size, security, file management, BB HUB, build quality et. Works terrific with all microsoft type file, calendar syncs etc.

Real Pain Verizion issue is you can never get an straight answer as to their future intentions. I never heard of a business where you can walk into any Verizion and if you read about phones you know more about the products then the staff does. They can never answer availability questions or new modes about anything. They only know what is in their store. I was at a store in WA where the BB Classic was on a wall video poster and they guy in the store told me they don't carry BB?????? Come on guys there are many serious Business users who don't just want devices that play angry birds and tweets..grow up and carry product lines that go beyond the latest fad phone only. Even if its just on line ordering no store stock but carry some serious business devices. Even your iPad stock is always the low memory models most times. Can someone at Verizion put an end to the back and forth and just tell us if you have any intention of getting Passport on Verizion??

Specialist - Level 2

Today we learned why Verizon doesn't have the Passport and probably won't get the Passport. And, from a business perspective, there is no way Verizon should get the Passport. Morgan Stanley put out a research piece that says BlackBerry has sold only 8,000 Passports and Classics COMBINED. That's the total sales number too, not just a weekend figure.