Problem with VZ Navigator on BB Tour

Is anyone else having trouble with their VZ Navigator software on the Tour? I'm having a problem and its occuring on my 2nd Tour; I exchanged the first one for this and a couple of other problems.


Anyway, here's what's happening: I drive a tractor-trailer and use VZ Navigator to find my destinations. Since I drive a lot at night, I'll hit the "END" key so that my home screen will appear and then the screen will go dark (while VZ Navigator is still running). That way, I can still listen to the spoken directions and yet not have the bright screen illuminated. Sometimes, though, I will want to see the VZ Navigator map, but I cannot get it to re-open by selecting the Navigator icon and then pushing the trackball. If I use the menu key and go to "switch application", there is always TWO VZ Navigator icons showing. I have to guess wich icon is the "correct" one to get the VZ Navigator screen back up; if I pick the "wrong" one, the phone just locks-up until I hit the "END" key.


Then, if I close or exit VZ Navigator, it will not start up again unless I remove the battery and let the phone completely reboot! I think that anyone can see what a MAJOR problem this would be for a driver of a tractor-53' trailer (hauling about 45,000 lbs!) driving on streets at night that depends on this software!


I just exchanged my Tour for a brand-new one at Verizon, but I'm having the same exact problem on this one, too! Anybody else have this problem or know why this is happening/how to fix it?


Thank you,



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5 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

Never heard of that problem, but I would advise you to contact VZW Technical Support to troubleshoot and report this issue. It sounds like a software bug. Tech support can report this issue to the phone manufacturer and the software developer. Contact technical support from a different phone, have yours with you, at 800-922-0204 or *611 from a different VZW mobile. Hopefully they can reproduce it and fix it in software update.

Champion - Level 1


I agree with cstrait001 you should report the problem.  I have been looking all over for the past 24 hours for a resolution to your problem.  I have tried to recreate the problem with my Tour and VZNavigator but could not do it.  I hope you get it straight.  By the way, Kudos to you for being a trucker and helping move America.  Without truckers, America would not be the great place in which we live.


Ps:  My father's a retired trucker.


Yeah, I  will give a call to tech support about this issue. I previously had an 8330 Curve with VZ Navigator and never had this problem, but I know the curve had a different (older) operating system.


In the meantime, I'm thinking about talking the Tour back (again!) and exchanging it for an 8530 Curve, as I'm having issues with the call quality (both phones; harder to hear callers than my old Curve) and now with the trackball (on the new Tour I just got for exchange).




Don't know if will solve your problem, but I'd try TelNav.  I've been using it for a couple years, first on a Storm then my Tour, without any problems.  I think you'll find out that it is less expensive as well!


I would start with checking your application permissions making sure all the VZ Navigator Permissions are set to Allow

Options>Advanced Options>Applications>Scroll To VZ Navigator> BlackBerry Key> Edit Permissions> Connections, Interactions, User Data are all set to Allow. Security Timer Reset & Input Simulation are the most important to keep VZ Navigator going!


Options> Password>Security Timeout> 1 hour max


Options> Screen/Keyboard>Backlight Timeout > 2 mins max -



If none of that works I would Adjust Backlight Brightness to a lower level 50 so that it doesn't bother you and you can veiw it while driving and it won't be too brigh!


Good luck!! 


Keep the good times rolling!!!