Questtion about Blackberry

Contributor - Level 1

As people might of read RIM is likely to go private and stop selling phones to customers and just to business. So if that is the case and whenever it happens. Is anything going to happen to the people that have and use Blackberry and is locked in for two years? I just ask this because I know Blackberry has its own Internet and Email network that the user is registered too. Also what if the phone no longer works and need to get a replacement using your insurance? Anyone know anything or how things are or when going to work?,2817,2424731,00.asp

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1 Reply
Champion - Level 1

Hi, Vaio165,

Your questions are valid and of concern to many BlackBerry owners. BlackBerry is going private which means you can't buy stock. They are cutting costs and down sizing. They will still sell hardware and software and fully support their products. Do not worry, as your Bold will still work as it always has. BlackBerry made a lot of mistakes in the past, foremost being slow to respond to a changing market. I could go on, but to reassure you and others like you, don't worry, support will be there. Thanks for your questions and thanks for being a participant in this community.

