SO beyond FED UP with Verizon!

I am on my 3rd BlackBerry device. My first device was the Pearl--after 4 send backs, I finally received one that worked halfway decent most of the time. I upgraded to a Curve, which later became victim of the dreaded trackball issues, and rather than replace the ball I decided to use my upgrade and get the Storm I.


I am so, so, so sorry. :smileysurprised: I have had NOTHING but issues, even after removing all 3rd party apps, most of the apps that CAME on the phone, updating the software to 5.0, doing a hard reset, etc etc. I'm still locked up 98% of the day--we've been late for school because the alarm won't come on because the phone decides to lock up while it processes the alarm; I have missed calls and been unable to make calls at the worst of times. This past weekend was the LAST 12-year-old daughter was presenting a project at a major state university on campus, and we were unable to find each other because my phone was stalling/locked up. :smileymad: I did numerous soft resets/battery outs, and NOTHING worked. My father passed away that day, and we received over 15" of snow--while driving with 3 children on those roads, I had NO phone. I couldn't communicate with my family via phone calls, text, or email while traveling.


THAT is the last straw. We pay $250 for our Verizon service monthly, and I can't even make a phone call? THAT is what kind of crappy, pathetically lame service Verizon offers. Their solution for me now is to send me a refurbished Storm I--so we're repeating the entire Pearl situation again. I don't WANT to go through that again. I don't HAVE a landline and I NEED a reliable phone--not this piece of junk.  I'm suprised to see they are still selling it. I'm sorry, but if one out of 5 phones is a keeper and the rest are lemons of a specific model, they shouldn't still be selilng it. Period.


I HATE Verizon, and I am seriously considering involving an attorney for the grief endured by me and my family this past weekend. I pay a lot of $$ for service, and they fail to deliver. Alltel was a MUCH better company.


I should have went with the Iphone and ATT.

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8 Replies
Master - Level 3

I'm so sorry to hear about everything that happened to you last weekend.  :smileysad:


You are right, you should not have to keep getting the Storm when it has so many problems. Did you ask for a different device? They may be accommodating if you calmly explain the situation and ask.


How long until the end of your contract? Can you buy a phone on eBay, if the above doesn't work? That is actually my preferred method, as I don't like to be tied to a contract or phone.


You can try AT&T and if it doesn't work you can always come back. I think you may find coverage problems with AT&T as well, depending on your area. Some people say it's worse and some say it's the same, in my area.


Good luck and I hope things get better.

Contributor - Level 2

I believe that VZ offers a program where if a device is defective on 3 occasions in 3 months, they will replace that device with a new one that is "close" to the same model.  You may want to review your support history with VZ and see what you need to do to get your Storm replaced.  Your complaints about the Storm will NOT be news to them.


Also be aware that the Storm and Storm 2 are notorious for freezing, as well as frequently having problems with the corporate Blackberry Email Servers.  I work for a company with some 2000 Blackberry phones out in the field.  Almost everyone I know of turned in thier Storm for a Curve or Tour.  One day you would miss email, the next day the address books were not updating.  Of course, RIM and VZ blamed it on the server software!  :smileywink:

Enthusiast - Level 3

I almost had the something as you did.  My Curve 8330 broke so I sent it and I got a used one back. I was  not harpy with that at all for the amount that I paid for it. So I called them and and made so much of a big deal that they sent me a new Blackberry. The guy that I talked to said because I got a used Curve 8330 was because it was discontinued so they just have used ones.  So when I was taking he sent they can send me a new Curve 8530 so call them a make a big deal maybe you get lucky.


I didn't get anywhere with them...been talking to different people ever since last week. I finally gave up and they're overnighting another Storm I.


I can't wait. :smileysad:


I was willing to pay up to $200 to replace the phone with another model, and you'd THINK, regardless of their **bleep** warranty/insurance program, they'd have been willing to work with me on this. I am soo beyond ticked off. I didn't pay anything for the Storm, but had I known--You can bet I would have bought something else regardless of cost.


I'm very disappointed with Verizon and their customer service. I wish I'd  went with ATT when my contract expired.


I am so sorry about your situation.:smileysad:  I guess I am one of the lucky ones.  I have had a Storm since Cot. 09 and mine has been great  never had a problem.  I am not saying this to make you out to be a liar or make your situation smaller that it is but I think there are more great Storms out there than not.  I mean I have heard a lot of people say the iphone sucks too.  As for the customer service.  I am sure there are a lot of folks out there saying the same things about at&t"s customer service too.  I hope it all works out for you.


i have  a storm as well I havent had any problems with it. from what i learned with the Storm it is wise to do a soft reset at least once a week. What you would do is while the phone is still on open the back cover and remove the battery. After about 15 sec replace the battery. This process will reset the phone and free up some memory. You can also download a free program thru BB

App store named Quick Pull to do this for you. Also you should set the memory cleaning function on the phone so that you can free up available memory. I think that the Storm is an excellent phone like everything else it is not perfect because mines was giving me problem when I first got it especially with the touch screen not being responsive. I learned how to adjust the settings and I type flawlessly. No matter what you get there will be some problems. Do yourself a favor whatever phone you decide to get do your homework and research the phone, join some of the forums about that particular device and make your decision based on info that you come across and not someone you know. YOU HAVE TO MAKE THE PHONE FIT YOUR LIFESTYLE and work for you by adding apps etc. GOOD LUCK and be patience


I used the storm for 10 months and by the end, it froze often and I had to use quick pull app  to reboot often because the application memory fell to zero often and was never higher than 6 or 7 mb. With Storm2 it never freezes and application memory is in the 80's or 90's despite all the apps that I have running at the same time. I tolerated the Storm but love Storm2!



Marvinator~I disagree, politely. :smileyhappy: When you google "BlackBerry Storm locking up," you just as well settle in for a LONG read, because that's what your'e going to get-a whole lot of reading.


I know of a few people that have a Storm I and love it, but mine is better used as a paperweight. (But ONLY if you remove the battery--it gets so hot that it BURNT my youngest child while it was "thinking" about not being locked up.)


The reason I decided that I didn't want another one is because I did my research and found so many other complaints.


I will sell the replacement and pay the early termination line before I risk traveling with my children and a Storm I again. We don't have a land line, and if something happened at our home and we needed to call 911 to save our lives, we'd DIE before we could ever use the **bleep** phone.

And thanks for the suggestion to "soft reset" the phone, but I have to remove the battery about  5-8 times a day. The local store has also wiped the phone clean at least twice.  I also have to use something to touch the back with because it is so hot. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say THAT IS MESSED UP.  This is my 3rd BlackBerry model phone, and I'm very familiar with the normal resets and quirks. There is nothing "right" or "normal" about my Storm I.


Verizon KNOWS this phone is a DEFECTIVE model. I'd LOVE to see the CEO and all of the Verizon flunkies have to rely on a BlackBerry Storm I as their only phone, or the only phone their children had to use. It would be entertaining to see how many of them are asking for a new phone about 2 months later.


My old bag phone would be more reliable than this thing.