Signing into the Verizon Backup to restore my Contact Information

I need help! Would someone, that is familiar with Mac's and Verizon and BlackBerry Storm 9530's, PLEASE get with me on this subject ASAP and walk me tru this whole mess.......  (p.s.- I am NOT a Novice, but am VERY frustrated with BB-Storm and upgraded to the 5.0 OS, dumping my Contact Info., and yes, "Verizon" has told be that they have the original info from when I switched to the BB-Storm from my Envi Phone).    ANY INFO MIGHT HELP ME FROM THROWING THIS BB-STORM AGAINST THE WALL!!!!




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6 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

i do not think u can log in to back up when u have a black berry 


OK, well that was helpful, eh?  Went down to VeriZon today, they insured that my infro from the EnV was indeed backed up in the Backup Assistant, but now I have to figure out how to export into CSV (or was it CRV?) and into the MAC to be transfered into the BB-Storm, which they said is done all the time?   Anyone else have "experience" with the BB-Storm and the Mac OS?



Contributor - Level 1


RedHawk1 wrote:

OK, well that was helpful, eh?  Went down to VeriZon today, they insured that my infro from the EnV was indeed backed up in the Backup Assistant, but now I have to figure out how to export into CSV (or was it CRV?) and into the MAC to be transfered into the BB-Storm, which they said is done all the time?   Anyone else have "experience" with the BB-Storm and the Mac OS?




The Verizon backup assistant does not work with BlackBerry's.



BUT, you still have a few options to get your contacts on your Storm.


Do you have the contacts storted anywhere else? Like in a Gmail account or in Microsoft Outlook?




Specialist - Level 1

Have you tried to activate your old EnV (or another phone that is compatible with Back up Assistant), login to backup assistant to get a list of contacts to save and then reactivate your Blackberry Storm and sync your contacts?


I may be mis-remembering here...but I thought I remembered that when I switched from the EnV to my Curve, I simply fired up the EnV, opened up my contacts, exported them to my microSD card, then we put that card into the BB and reversed the process?


I have another idea, though, that might work good for you, and be a heckuva lot easier. Just would take a couple of extra steps.


1.  Set up a gmail account (you don't have to use it forever if you don't want; some of us pretty much just use it for address backups)

2.  Go to your Vzw Backup page, and export the contacts to .csv

3.  Login to your new gmail account, and go to your inbox

4.  Over on the left is "contacts".  Click it.

5.  In the listing window, near the top, is an option for "import"

6.  Find your .csv and have it import that.  Check it and make sure everything's cool.

7.  Download GoogleSync onto your BB

8.  Set it up with your gmail username and password, then let it sync.

9.  That *should* do it.  Your BB should be able to download the contacts. 


Let us know if that solves it for you!


Oh, btw...I just saw where you weren't sure how to export them off of Backup Assistant.  From their own FAQ:


How do I export contacts from my Backup Assistant web account?

Contacts can be exported to a comma separated values (*.csv) file only.
  1. Click "Select All" link.
  2. Click the "Actions Menu" then click "Export Contacts".
  3. Select the desired export file format then click OK.
  4. Click "Save".
  5. Select the location you want to save the file to and then click "Save".
Now...I *used* to have my stuff, but it looks like they may have removed it when I switched, I can't remember.  But if you CAN get to it, that would be the way to go.