Slow Web Downloads
Enthusiast - Level 2

I own the Blackberry Tour 9630 and have for some time.  I hate going to the web though because it is so slow.  It's a perfect commercial for those turtles that are used on some advertisements.  While sitting at an event, next to someone who has a different phone, I have to borrow their phone to get on the web or wait for an extended time period.   

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I know its important to get information on the go and get it fast! There are things in the phone you can do to ensure the best experience on your device. I recommend checking the memory on the device under Options>Status>Files Free. If this is close to 0, you will want to clear out old emails, SMS/MMS, and move pictures to an SD card or computer. Its also a good idea when you launch the Browser to periodically clear the history/cache under Menu>Options>Cache Operations>Clear Cache/History.  Once that is done, go back to the Browsers home page, press Menu>Close and then re-launch. 


I hope these tips help to improve the browsing experience!


Thank you!