Still Using a Blackberry????
Contributor - Level 1

Switched to the Palm Pre Plus, Blackberries are like stone tablets compared to this phone! (OS wise) Blackberry Hardware is top notch. But for me the mail is just as good as the Berry, (Had two Berries so I'm not just spouting off) The OS is fantastic! The real Deal maker is the FREE wifi hotspot. You Business people tethering laptops have got to get this, 5g's of FREE  access as long as you own and keep the line active. Phone 49.99, Folks this is a no brainer no matter how much you love your Berry!

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10 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

Phone 49.99?

You have a data pkg. $29.99 on top right?

Contributor - Level 1


LCromwell wrote:

Phone 49.99?

You have a data pkg. $29.99 on top right?

No, (Price of the Phone $49.99) I have 5 lines on a family Talk & text plan, the Data is $29.99 on that phone, The WIFI hotspot with 5g is TOTALLY FREE with the Pre Plus. the $29.99 Data is for the Pre itself and is Unlimited. No matter how you look at it, It's the best deal Verizon has going period.



Wonder who will end up buying Palm in the end?  That was one of my issues with the Pre vs the Droid.  WebOS is nice...but Palm is pushing bankruptcy right now.  The tiny keyboard was the other issue, but I digress.  I was concerned about getting a phone from a dying company...just something about it bugged me, not that it should have been that much of an issue since it would be supported no matter what.

Contributor - Level 1

Geocritter wrote:

Wonder who will end up buying Palm in the end?  That was one of my issues with the Pre vs the Droid.  WebOS is nice..But Palm is pushing bankruptcy right now.  The tiny keyboard was the other issue, but I digress.  I was concerned about getting a phone from a dying company..Just something about it bugged me, not that it should have been that much of an issue since it would be supported no matter what.

I think Palm will be around for quite a while yet, and even if they did go under another company (HTC) would pick them up for their OS and Patents. As far as the Pre itself, my first one cooked itself. (Happens to the best of phones) replacement Pre is fantastic no problems. Yes keyboard is small, but very usable, I don't write novels on it. Had the Pearl 8130 so this is actually better. Couldn't handle the Blackberry OS anymore. It works, But that's about all you could say for it. Never really liked the whole push down screen thing on my Storm ( Should have just been a standard touch instead ) I looked at the Eris and the Droid when I got my Pre, didn't like the Brick Droid, and had Played with my Buddies Eris and didn't like the OS as much as the WEBOS. All said I did a TON of research and comparing before making the jump to the Pre, With all the Features, Free Hotspot WIFI, and the Form (really like this little phone) I could never go back to the Blackberry OS unless they pull a rabbit out of their hat and come out with a really sweet OS. Their Hardware is top notch, but the OS is like a Stone Tablet compared to the WebOS.

Enthusiast - Level 3

When I first upgrade a couple of weeks, my first choice was the Palm Pre Plus, after seeing the free Hot Spot deal. It was my first smartphone upgrading from an ENV2. The Palm webOS is really good. However the battery on the Pre is not good at all. I  was having to charge it at least twice a day. I returned it for the BB Curve. The Curve battery is a lot better and it doesn't get as hot when it's charging.


So while the Palm webOS is good, hardware wise they have some catching up to do.

Contributor - Level 1


fifthgear001 wrote:

When I first upgrade a couple of weeks, my first choice was the Palm Pre Plus, after seeing the free Hot Spot deal. It was my first smartphone upgrading from an ENV2. The Palm webOS is really good. However the battery on the Pre is not good at all. I  was having to charge it at least twice a day. I returned it for the BB Curve. The Curve battery is a lot better and it doesn't get as hot when it's charging.


So while the Palm webOS is good, hardware wise they have some catching up to do.

Takes about 5-10 charges to get the battery conditioned, I have no problems going all day with mine


Enthusiast - Level 3

Trust me I charged it more than 10 times in the week and a half I had it.  The battery on the Pres are bad, and every review you read confirms that.


Only the VZW Navigator app is installed on the Pre. I like some of the Verizon apps on the Blackberry- VCAST and NFL Mobile. I'm not a business user, but I couldn't figure out when I would need  hot-spot service.


While I'm sure you like your Pre, it may not be for everyone.

Master - Level 3

Thanks for the info. Always nice to hear others' opinions on a device. Especially one that makes me think of the Pre as something besides The Mommy Blogger Phone (which was a big marketing mistake, IMO).



Specialist - Level 1

I gave up on my Tour 9630 and bought a Prepaid Samsung Smooth to swap it.  Even though I miss it, it's just to wait for the EVO 4G.

Master - Level 1


woyala wrote:

I gave up on my Tour 9630 and bought a Prepaid Samsung Smooth to swap it.  Even though I miss it, it's just to wait for the EVO 4G.

Wow. That was a big switch to do. Coming from a phone that can do many tasks to downgrading to something with less features.