Storm 1 powered up but won't load up....

I have a 9630 Storm 1. I went to answer a call sitting at my desk and dropped it (6"-12") and it shut off, appearingly so. I pressed the red button and the clock came up, spun around a few times, then screen went black. The backlight stays lit under the 4 buttons at bottom.

I tried pulling the battery and restarting phone.

After viewing others' frozen issues, I tried pulling the battery for 5+ minutes with no success. I'm now trying 10 minutes :smileysad:

I've had this happen once before out shopping and it hit the ground from 4 feet up, so I understood the issue. I couldn't get it to work. I pulled the battery and put it in the truck. A few hours later put it together and it worked fine.


Anyone know any other solutions? My screen has a crack in it, so I seriously doubt VZW will replace my phone under warranty, and I'd hate to make a $50 insurance claim. Money is a bit tight this month until mid-January. By then I might just buy the droid.


Thanks in advance!

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4 Replies
Newbie's been 25 minutes since my post and I just tried putting in the battery, waiting for the red service light to go out, then power up.....still same result....backlight on under buttons, but blank screen after the clock spun a few times.


So I take it there's not specific time I should wait.....



Specialist - Level 1

Try to reload the software back into the phone.


woyala wrote:

Try to reload the software back into the phone.

How would I do this?


Ho can I when I can't see anything on the screen?

Specialist - Level 1

Bassin4life02 wrote:

I have a 9630 Storm 1. I went to answer a call sitting at my desk and dropped it (6"-12") and it shut off, appearingly so. I pressed the red button and the clock came up, spun around a few times, then screen went black. The backlight stays lit under the 4 buttons at bottom.

I tried pulling the battery and restarting phone.

After viewing others' frozen issues, I tried pulling the battery for 5+ minutes with no success. I'm now trying 10 minutes :smileysad:

I've had this happen once before out shopping and it hit the ground from 4 feet up, so I understood the issue. I couldn't get it to work. I pulled the battery and put it in the truck. A few hours later put it together and it worked fine.


Anyone know any other solutions? My screen has a crack in it, so I seriously doubt VZW will replace my phone under warranty, and I'd hate to make a $50 insurance claim. Money is a bit tight this month until mid-January. By then I might just buy the droid.


Thanks in advance!

I do not understand how people can pay for Insurance and then be afraid to use it? If ever there was a case to use it, this is it. This is obviously a broken screen and will not repair itself.

Merry Christmas