Storm decided to stop working

Hey guys, today I was on my way to a different city, same state. Everything was working fine while on the road & when i put the phone to charge everything seemed fine... I was on twitter & msn, so data was working. Until i realized i couldnt text or call...

When I call any line I get a message that the phone isnt able to be authenticated, I've battery pulled & *22899'd (took 4 times to be sucessful) I also tried *22800 for primary tower but it said unsuccessful everytime. Currently in southwest area of Miami,FL. could this be network or my phone?


Edit: I didnt ever upgrade bb firmware, etc. I only deleted an app called Snapscreen

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1 Reply
Specialist - Level 1

After reading your post, it seems that you disabled the voice capabilities when you dialed *22899 from your device to update the PRL. You can program your device and update the PRL by follow the directions below. 

*228 is the OTA (over the air) number to dial for any voice enabled devices. 

You need to dial *228 from your device and follow the options below:


  1. Press 1, once connected, to program your device. 
  2. Once you've successfully programmed your device, dial *228 option 2 to update your PRL (preferred roaming list).


It's suggested that you dial *228, option 2, when traveling to a different area to update the PRL for your device. 

*22899 is the OTA number for non voice-enabled devices (Data devices without voice capabilities).

After reading your post, it seems that you disabled the voice capabilities when you dialed *22899 from your device to update the PRL.