Terrified of new Blackberry Bold 9650 purchase...

I've been reading everyone's complaints and concerns about VZW customer service, high costs and problems with the Blackberry phones.


I am in total agreement that their customer service is horrific. I actually worked for Verizon as a customer service rep and we were held to such high standards. Our calls were constantly monitored and I even got in trouble once for saying to a sales rep on the phone "have a good one" instead of "thank you for calling Verizon wireless. We appreciate your business." The guy wasn't even a customer but I was still pulled off the phones and told about it.  Granted this was back in 2002, but seriously...WHAT HAPPENED???? The reps are rude and clueless. The supervisors are just as bad.


HOWEVER, my husband and I left Verizon for a short time and went to At&t and the coverage was a joke. So, obviously we reluctantly returned.


I have had several phone issues and because of the fact that I have no patience for hissing on my line (unacceptable concerning the cost of their) and the random shutting off and on and freezing, I always send the phone back and switch back to my trusty, clear, problem free 6 year old phone.


But, I took the leap and ordered the Blackberry Bold on Friday. I have no use for it, but have always REALLY wanted a blackberry.


Is this phone going to let me down and push me over the edge?

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6 Replies
Champion - Level 1


Is this your first Smartphone?  Keep in mind that all Blackberry phones perform the same basic functions; email, internet, messaging, contacts, calendar, etc.  The difference is in the extra features such as more memory, faster processor, better screen reslolution, etc.  Personally, I think you made a good choice because this is considered now one of the "flagship" of the Blackberry devices.  If you are apprehensive about your purchase because of past experiences with customer service, all I can say is that a bad experience can occur with any phone, not just a Blackberry.  As far as problems with devices freezing and such, this is usually due to lack of memory.  Your future device has the most of any Blackberry...512 mb.  Don't worry, you will feel better once you get your new device.  If you should have questions or problems, look here in the forums to some of your peers.  Chances are the problem you might be having at that time is occurring to someone else.  That is what the forums are for.  Good luck, and remember, we here in the forums are here for you.



Also know you can have a special class with your BB  The stores offer trainings   and each location has a special date for their location. You are hooked up with a tech who has the device you have and they go over the device with you......I used to sell Verizon and this is a great class to take advantage of

Contributor - Level 3

The training class is a very good idea.  I also suggest going to the crackberry site and find the 9650 section.  There you will find others sharing information,tips,instructions,etc.


I would post the link but don't think it is allowed here.


Good luck and enjoy that new BlackBerry !

Champion - Level 1

SFObrien wrote:

The training class is a very good idea.  I also suggest going to the crackberry site and find the 9650 section.  There you will find others sharing information,tips,instructions,etc.


I would post the link but don't think it is allowed here.


Good luck and enjoy that new BlackBerry !


I agree totally with Obrien.  The more you can learn about something, the more you can figure out stuff for yourself if you have a problem.  I believe you can post a link to a web site such as Crackberry, as long as it is not a page advertising the sale of something or is a download for an application or software.  If it is a helpful link, I think it will be ok. 


Contributor - Level 3

Ok here it is.  If they throw me out been nice chatting with you folks! 



BlackBerry Bold 9650 CrackBerry Forum






Master - Level 3

I think you made a great choice in ordering the 9650. I am willing to bet you will find it easy to learn and will love it.


You'll probably get it tomorrow ... have fun!