Time icon is coming on every 3 seconds

My phone's time icon is coming on every 3 seconds. I am not sure what I did to make this happen.  It looks like it is downloading data, stops for 3 seconds comes back on.  It is causing a hesitation with moving around in the programs as it interferes with what every I do.  The battery is draining faster than usual.

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2 Replies
Champion - Level 1


You did not mention what model Blackberry you have in your post.  More than likely, from your description, you are referring to the little clock icon when the Blackberry is busy processing.  I would recommend a battery pull.  Pull the battery and allow your device to reboot.  That might clear things up for you.  Let me know if this helps.



I have a BB Tour.  Interestingly the clock appears on my phone a lot as well.  I wouldn't say every three seconds but it occurs frequent enough that when I want to make a call, I have to wait a while to enter my password (the bb has firm enforced encryption+security)  Hopefully when I will not need to use this phone in an emergency!


I have almost removed all applications from it. I have a few games (none of them are actively running) and also "the weather network" application.   I have three mailboxes (one being the firm enterprise mail).  The issue still occurs, and available memory seems to appear around ~45-48MB. 


This seems to be very limiting. I installed an application that would reset the phone on a weekly basis, but that did not seem to help either.  I even tried to manually pull the battery on a weekly basis - did not work.

I did notice that the clock appears almost always when I pull it out of its holster...


Any suggestions?