Tried to get my passord for my e-mail settings - NG - Any Help

OK, so I need my password, but I forgot it.

I went to e-mail settings, it connected to e-mail settings, I my user name in and sent out "forgot password". the reply is that password is sent to my blackberry device. No good.

Any suggestions?


9630 Blackberry Tour v.5

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What password?  The one for your BlackBerry device?  If you've lost that there is no way to recover without wiping the device and resetting the device password, as far as I know -

If you set a BlackBerry® device password, you'll be prompted to enter your password to unlock your device.

If you forget your password, it can't be recovered. If you exceed the number of allowed password attempts, your device deletes all your device data for security reasons and you'll be prompted to set a new password.

If you mean a different password, then which one?


I am in the same predicament after Verizon migrated my business email account to Google Apps and I cannot sync my Blackberry to the Google account. 

I would be happy to reset the device password but I don't know the actual password for my Google account since when I logon, it goes through the Verizon Business Center, then I enter "Mail" once I am in Google. 

Verizon has been of no assistance with this.