Up grade from the BB storm to the BB storm 2

Just wondering but is verizon going to let all the customers who have the original BB storm upgrade to the BB storm 2 for free, kinda  like AT&T did with the iphone they let all there customers that had the iphone upgrade to the new one for free. Because I know I'm not the only one out there that is unhappy with the storm. Sure would be nice if they let us do that

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7 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

Rumor has it that VZW will start doing an early upgrade for Storm 1 customers to the Storm 2. This upgrade will have customers extending their current contract to a full new 2 year agreement. Priced at $279.99 with a $100.00 mail in rebate.


No dates have been specified as to when this upgrade will go into effect.

Master - Level 3

I think you should read this post.



Specialist - Level 1

With the same 5.0 OS, what do you think Storm 2 is going to do for you besides WIFI, that Storm 1 does now?? If you have that big a problem with the upgrade to 5.0, take it to a Verizon store and let them re-load it with 5.0 for you.

Contributor - Level 2


jc7606 wrote:

Just wondering but is verizon going to let all the customers who have the original BB storm upgrade to the BB storm 2 for free, kinda  like AT&T did with the iphone they let all there customers that had the iphone upgrade to the new one for free. Because I know I'm not the only one out there that is unhappy with the storm. Sure would be nice if they let us do that

The screen might be worth the upgrade.................Don't know if i like it yet...........


Contributor - Level 1

If Verizon really wanted to make it right to the Storm 1 users, they would let you use your NE2 discount on an early upgrade, seeing we have been using a crippled device for almost a year. Just the standard 2 year contract price seems unfair to me seeing I feel cheated out of almost a year of my contract with substandard software, Not saying the Storm 1 Hardware runs great with the new 5.0, Just seems they should make things right for those of us stuck with a Device that didn't preform the way it should have for half our contract. I have been with Verizon from way back (Cellulor one, back in the day) have 5 lines on my contract, I think to keep loyal customers you have to make things right when you can't deliver on your products.


As a Storm owner, I too would love to see some kind of early upgrade...not looking for a free handout, just an option to dump this thing....


Unlike others, my issue is not really with the hardware....I happen to like my Storm and haven't had any issues or had to exchange even once.....


My issue has been and is with the operating system....even with the most recent jump to an "official" 5.0 OS, it's still junk...way too glitchy....fixed some things but caused other things, like Voice Dialing, to not work.....one reason I don't want a Storm2...same old crappy operating system.....throw in a laughable browser and this thing is so slow and laggy it is not in the same league as the Iphones and Androids....


If no early upgrade is offered I'll wait until the end of January and hopefully get some semblance of a 1 year upgrade option and see which of the droid phones is the best...

Contributor - Level 1

I agree, The hardware isn't that bad but the software for it is horrendous!  AT&T did the $100.00 thing for their Iphone users, We will see How Verizon  acts on this one. a early NE2 would just about make up for the year of substandard software and headaches. If not I might take my 5 lines and money somewhere other than Verizon at the end of my contract.