Verizon Apps I don't want

I am so annoyed that Verizon has pushed out so many apps to my phone and there is no way to permanently remove them.  I absolutely don't need, nor do I want, the NFL Mobile App, the Skype App, the Social Beat App, nor the Bing App.  These Apps are taking up space on my phone.  I barely have any Apps of my own on there and I already am running out of room.  The iPhone can hold about a million Apps with no problem.  Verizon needs to find a way to remove them permanently or they should take money off of our monthly bill for the forced advertising.

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2 Replies

The icons they push hardly take up any space unless you install the app from the icon. All you can do is really hide them. If you delete the service book, they will eventually come back. Just hide them and move on. They will NOT give you a credit.

Contributor - Level 3

Here is the easiest way I've found to take care of those pushed service books. Create a folder called "Junk" and hide the folder. Everytime you get another pushed shortcut from Verizon, click on it and hit the menu key 'move to folder' and move it to Junk. It disappears!