Verizon, MS Bing update?
Enthusiast - Level 2

Any news from Verizon on their decision to disregard their customers by choosing to take away our search options on the BB browser for Storm users, leaving us with Bing as our only option?

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6 Replies
Master - Level 3

Microsoft paid a boatload of money to make Bing the exclusive search provider for VZW phones, so no, I don't think VZW is going to switch back anytime soon.


You can still use Google, Wikipedia and the others directly from your browser. So just create some shortcuts and learn to live with it.

Contributor - Level 3

nmchileman wrote:

Microsoft paid a boatload of money to make Bing the exclusive search provider for VZW phones, so no, I don't think VZW is going to switch back anytime soon.


You can still use Google, Wikipedia and the others directly from your browser. So just create some shortcuts and learn to live with it.



Contributor - Level 1

Shhhhhhhh...... My Storm never changed and I always up date to the latest OS.

I'm posting this under a assumed ID.




Enthusiast - Level 2

Learn to live with it?  Learn to live with terrible service that I'm paying for?  F that.  I have had enough of Verizon's shady business practices.  I have switched to AT&T.  I now have a phone where all of its features work and are not locked down or disabled.  Good luck to everyone.  Looks like you will need it.

Enthusiast - Level 2

"Learn to live with it? Learn to live with terrible service that I'm paying for? F that. I have had enough of Verizon's shady business practices. I have switched to AT&T. I now have a phone where all of its features work and are not locked down or disabled. Good luck to everyone. Looks like you will need it"



did they charge an ETF? and what phone did you get from ATT. I'm going to go the same route. I definitely agree with you. I"m not going to "learn to live with it". Maybe if it was free, but not paying $$$$$ a month for a service. If they can change anything they want...then I should be able to do the same without voiding a warranty (i.e. upgrade to a OS that works)

Contributor - Level 3

LOL..nice choice leaving Verizon for AT&T. I hope you didnt get an Iphone.


Apparently MS is in talks with all the big guns about making Bing the main search engine. Did you really think since Google is starting to make phones that Blackberry and Apple would stay with Google no matter the carrier? Better get you an droid if you want to stay with Google . Oh wait you went to AT&T . :smileytongue: