
Now I have to get a $30 data package - can't just scoot along with my $10 I DIDN'T WANT IT BUT HAVE TO BUY IT data package.  Ahhh, lookie here - my contract is up.

Verizon Wireless,

I have been with you for just over a decade and that will end today.  I can still remember the girlfriend that convinced me to get a cell phone.  Those days are behind me now.  We should have stuck with letters.

I can still remember the day that I could no longer opt out of text messaging.  It was a sign of the times.

I can still remember the day that I bought my first data phone.  I was excited to be able to connect my computer up to this new device and have real internet in my apartment.  Oops!  That costs extra!  It took me months to pay off that phone and I ate some fine ramen and peanut butter but I chalked it up to a mistake by the employee of the car audio store that I upgraded my phone at.

Somewhat bitter I bought another phone when the zero stopped working on my old one.  I was happy with that little LG flip phone and I took some nice pictures.  Unfortunately, I loved it to death and the spine wore out in time -- the time came to buy a new phone.  In shopping for my current phone, I found that the model I liked had been discontinued and that there was nothing comparable.  Well, nothing that did not require a data package.  Don't get me started about to gaudy little sales horse-pucky that you install into all your phones.  I want a phone.  I don't want to pay to have something else sold to me.

Yes, I still remember the day you started that crap too and I have not forgotten.  I do not enjoy being forced to pay for something that I do not use.

I have also not forgotten the day it came out that you were giving my information to the U.S. Government.  I do not enjoy being guilty until proven innocent.

I have also not forgotten your involvement in Net Neutrality.  I do not see this as heroic but I am sure that the stockholders are quite pleased with you.

Your acquisitions seem to have proven sour for subscribers that used to have a choice.  Your third-party charges on peoples' bills seem to have been less-than-gallant too.

I can see it on the faces of your employees.  I can feel it in every aspect of your website and your stores.  I hear it from the mouths your your competitors.  I can see it on the news and from the people that I know which use your service.  You must be making a killing on the little crush-screen phones that have rapidly become the only option.

The reasons above are the reasons why I am no longer your customer.  You have sold me out.  You have up-sold me out.  You have consistently defended your interests before defending your customers except that you were the good guy for a while for letting people switch their plans mid-cycle but even that is rotten in that I will be forced to add another $20 onto my plan this cycle.

Goodnight Verizon the Company  -- Verizon employee, seek employment elsewhere; this company does not have a future.

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